Like you did any better with your comment about "how republican of me". Get off the high horse Rockhead, you don't have insurance yet and you wouldn't want to hurt yourself.
It comes down to this. You think it is ok for me to have less some someone else can have more. I work for what I have, and I think I should be entitled to all of it. If I chose to share, which I do through a few different charities, then that is my right. You and your ilk shouldn't try and guilt me into giving things up.
Do I think my cost of insurance should go up to help others? Hell no. I already pay my fair share and I have taken the responsible steps to make sure I could provide for my family. I don't have a college education but I work hard, and I have busted my ass to get to where I am now. 3 years ago I was making about 30k a year. Today I'm making closer to 78k a year and I want to make sure I get what I have earned.
I know you don't care, but my insurance climbed $200 a month, which is about $2400 a year. My total primium cost for the year is going to be about $7000. So my 78k a year just got chopped down to 71k a year. So excuse me if my personal income is important to me.