Irrespective of the reasons for US involvement, if they hadn't, the North, backed by the Chinese, would have rolled over the South. There is virtually no sensible reason to believe this would not have happened.
There is, likewise, virtually no reason to believe that if the US had not interceded, Kim Il-sung would have changed his tune once he took control over the combined regions, and therefore your assertion that in the absence of US intervention, Korea would be a thriving country is nonsense.
Instead the case can easily be made that if China had not involved itself in the conflict, the South would have prevailed and then indeed the united regions would now be a thriving Korea.
Conditions in the North are the polar opposite of thriving. Not so in the South.
Your desire to cast each and every action of the US government as horrific and rapacious causes you to repeatedly ignore or twist the facts.
It's not enough for you to argue that the US motivation for interceding in the Korean conflict was less than pristine. You have to insist that it was entirely malignant, and then conjure an absurd alternate history where Kim Il-sung and his degenerate progeny, free of the evil interference of America, would not have committed their numerous and severe crimes against the North Korean people.
And yet the only reason posters in this forum don't take you seriously is because
they can't stand the truth? It astounds me that you can believe this.