Hello Edgar, I was a federal employee furloughed in 95 and in the earlier versions of this current pissing contest. Mr. glitterbag is currently furloughed, and last Thursday while I was having my hair trimmed and styled, I was shocked at how many patrons were complaining about the shutdown. What I find interesting, is that the Oct 5th Football game between the Navy & Air Force was played Saturday, the same day Lockheed Martin announced they would furlough 3,000 employees. Come Monday, there may be more.
It makes me sick that the people in this country still think this is a contest between Christian goodness and evil doers. Sadly, Ted Cruz haven't a clue how things work well and is forcing his skewed view of how everyone should conform to his bullshit twisted idea of democracy. Even sadder, there in no one in the Senate or House who can stand up and ask "Senator, have you no shame?" I can only hope that this country remembers what makes this country great, and at least listens to all the other countries who are asking "How did this happen to the most advanced democracy in the world. How could it allow itself to be held hostage by modern day pirates posing as Patriots. Even my stylist said "we are the laughing stock of the rest of the world". We never discuss politics, but it was the topic du jour this past Thursday.