Thomas wrote:
revelette wrote:Quote:Which side of the line did that fall on?
Disrespecting the president.
And what's wrong with disrespecting the president?
Absolutely nothing.
What is wrong though is considering the president sacrosanct.
Presidents, after all, are simply elected servents of the people. We don't come together every 4 years to coronate a king, and most certainly not a god-king.
The office provides the holder with all the pomp and circumstance he or she can ever expect. The obeisance of the citizenry is far, far too much to expect.
President earn respect or disrespect. The more imperial they perceive themselves, the more disrespect they deserve (but may not receive).
If you have the best damned job in the whole word and you can't handle a little disrespect, retire. However, all the hoopla about respect and disrespect never seems to eminate from the president (they know how good they have it), it's always from their adorants.
From the very beginning, Obama benefited by and relied upon a cult of personality. If you want to be president, it's a good advantage to have, and so I don't, necessarily, fault him for his exploitation of this pathetic phenomenon, but I do fault my fellow Americans who voted for him purely on the basis of ephemeral promise.
When he ran we had a few A2K "conservatives" supporting him on the basis of the fact that he sounded pretty smart when he gave a speech. There may have, as well, been a desire to see a black elected to the presidency which is all well and good but hardly a reason to vote for any black. The last time I looked, the black "race" has turned out a proportional share of miscreants to the white "race."
I would love to think that now that we have elected a black president we won't have to deal with all this racial noise when the next one is elected, but I doubt that will be the case. Racial noise is a political tool and will be used for absolutely as long as it can. Again, I don't necessarily fault the cynical politicians who employ it , but I do fault the citizenry who make it effective.
Footnote to the preceding paragraph: There are a rare few politicians who are not clinical pychopaths; who seek office for the "right" reason. They tend to populate the levels of government closest to the people, but every now and again one manages to rise to as high a level as state governance.
They never, in todays world, seem to run for the presidency.
So our choices are narcissists (Obama) or the would be puppets of a political party (W). We have a much better chance with the latter. At least they don't believe they deserve to be president.
The leader we need is too sane to run for the presidency.
We are well and truly f*cked.