@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:What specifically, in that pathetic 3 minutes of tape, do you see as informing us that the happening was not racist or that the audience did not react to racial baiting as reported?
(1) Pathetic or not, the video's view on the happening is about the same that the original complainant, Perry Beam, would have had. It's the perspective of a regular audience member looking at a fast-moving scene, with neither a zoom lense nor slow-motion playback to hand. So if the video's information value is so pathetic that I can't draw any conclusions from it, it's a mystery how Mr. Beam could, looking at things from a similar perspective. And with no good information to go on, the whole thread would be moot. There would no credible complaint to begin with. If that's your takeaway, you have my --- excuse my language --- blessing.
(2) Notwithstanding your standard "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" chestnut, the audio track of the video does provide evidence of absence of a key claim of Mr. Beam's: "'Everybody screamed' and 'just went wild' when the rodeo announcer talked about stomping the clown, Beam told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch." If this was true, we
would hear everybody screaming and going wild on the tape --- and that's not what we hear and see. So yes, the video
does contain information to check Mr. Beam's story against.