Open question to the folks who think that the efforts of the NSA are worth the cost (keeping in mind that the utility of mass meta-data collection is being questioned by some members of Congress - as in it hasn't prevented attacks that "other methods" wouldn't/didn't prevent).
The budget of the NSA is classified (of course it is), but it's reasonably estimated to be
about 10 Billion dollars (with a B). With the size of our deficits and the condition of our domestic social programs and infrastructure, is this really where you'd choose to have your $10B in tax money spent? Especially, as CI posted above, the risk of being killed by a terrorist is less than the risk of being killed by a toddler - not BECAUSE of these programs, but in spite of them.
I think this is one of the aspects that pisses me off the most. Not only is the federal government violating the 4th and 1st amendments left and right, not only are they sweeping meta-data from just about everyone on the planet, not only are US-based businesses losing BILLIONS of dollars over this, but we're paying for it all through our tax dollars.
I'm curious if any of our congressional boy and girls (and staffers) have stock in companies that provide services (outsourced) to the NSA.