@Frank Apisa,
Quote:ill...only someone insane would suppose that our clandestine services are going to name the kinds of things they stop and the methods they use to stop them.
Funny when it suit them they had been more then willing to give chapter and verse on their successes.
As I stated as just a damn hobby in regard to computer security and network security I knew the broad outlines of what could be done by a nation state in the late 1990s.
The only real information given by Snowman, that was a sad surprise, is that the US government was aiming all that technology on it own damn citizens and the hell with the constitution and the charter of the NSA that promised that they would not do so.
Oh I remember a joke dating from the 1990s that if you wish to apply for a position with NSA just email or phone your mother with your desire for a job application from them.