All you write is revisionist bullshit. You start off blaming Britain and France for WW2 when America didn't exactly take a leading role in reconstruction post WW1. Then you bury your head in the sand when the truth appears of the extent to which the Nazis were financed by Americans.
Your blinkered xenophobia won't make up for the disgust most right minded people, (including most Americans) fell for the way you praise paedophiles and racist murdering cops whilst at the same time denigrating women and children.
The reason Americans like you actively supported and financed the Nazis is because you're no different. Saying a white cop should be able to kill a motorist because he's black is exactly what the Nazis did if you substitute black for Jewish. You're no different.
Fortunately you lost, the Nazis were beaten, Jim Crow was abolished, and inbred tea baggers like you are a relic of the bad old days. The demographic is changing and your white privilege won't keep you out of jail forever.