Snowdon is a dummy

Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 12:48 pm
For the record:

Mr. Elfgeeh was arrested in Rochester in May as part of a sting operation after two of the three men told him that they planned to travel to Syria.

The men were actually cooperating with the federal authorities, the department said, and the plan never presented any danger to the American public or members of the armed forces.
(emphasis added)

0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:02 pm
From the "Snowden-documents" (via spiegel-online)


Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:02 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
In the following documents (pdf-data) sensitive passages were blacked/left out by by spiegel-online

>NSA presentation "Treasuremap"<

>The "new Treasuremap"<

>GCHQ document about the attacks on German satellite providers<
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:09 pm
More likely other government agents as if they was valid terrorist contacts the very last thing they would do is arrested him instead of following up those contacts

From the link.

and setting them up with contacts in the terror group
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:13 pm
Read some of Bill's last few posts, filled with wild unfounded conspiracy accusations, the above post of mine is just one case I point.
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:13 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
We need to know this, why?
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:27 pm
wild unfounded conspiracy accusation

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:37 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
I came away with much fewer than 10 pages...but in any case, there was nothing there to indicate the reliability of their conclusions.
They concuded it from the published data etc. And showed that with their graphs.

Of course, any survey can be said to be unreliable, especially, if one doesn't agree with the result.

As I pointed out in my earlier post...

...ANY survey can be said to be unreliable...whether one agrees with the result or not.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:39 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

Don't believe him!... :-)

I wouldn't want Walter to "believe" me either. I want him to feel confident that I have not lied.

Your need to belittle a discussion opponent is noted. If it makes your life more bearable by doing that...do so. But expect people to challenge you if you do.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:39 pm
The way they describe terrorists, it's about extreme interpretations of fear. They don't know how to balance the reality from the real threats that are existent in this world. You don't catch terrorists by collecting mass data of communication. That's a waste of resources. Nobody can read all that crap to make it reliable source for anything!
Their fears are greater than the reality; it's more likely they'll get killed driving their own cars. How many terrorist attacks vs our home grown terrorists do they think are the real threats?
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:47 pm
You're the one in denial, Rev, not Bill, nor I.

Look at what happened today, when you refused to consider what I told you, i.e. that this Mojo guy was just the average Abdul-with-a-grudge who was approached and tempted by the FBI agents provocateurs into buying guns and paying for some of their guys' passage to Syria. You wouldn't believe me when I told you this guy never posed a threat to the US. You simply would not believe it, and called my response "very weak"...

And once again, all I did to prove my point was a rapid google search. That's not just that I am well informed and you are not. It's also that you are in denial. Your biases fail you again and again. Put away the blinders, watch out. Stop being so gullible.
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:48 pm
@cicerone imposter,
They don't know how to balance the reality from the real threats that are existent in this world.

CI I have been of the opinion for decades that there should be a basic course at the high school level on how to evaluate risks.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:48 pm
revelette2 wrote:

We need to know this, why?
Either scroll or put me on ignore if you don't want to read my posts about the Snowden documents.
(Actually, there were quite a lot of response totally off-topic ... to which you even responded.)

But on the other hand, if this thread has got a different topic, is only between Frank and Olivier or anything else, I'll leave voluntarily.

What I'll do now.
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 01:57 pm
The real laugh here is the absolute certainty of some of these people about what has to be done...what should be done...what is effective...and what is a waste of time, effort, and resources.

Fact is...none of you people know any of these things...and the certainty with which you express your blind guesses about the "reality" is laughable.

We elect people to make these kinds of decisions...or to appoint others to make these kinds of decisions. You people writing blind guess opinions in an Internet forum have the luxury of deciding the value of a play after it has been run.

It is almost certain that none of you...running on a platform stating the garbage you are trying to sell here...could be elected animal control officer in a small town.

But...there is the entertainment value of listening to you in your arrogant pretense that you are actually assessing the situation...and coming up with a reasonable reason for opposing what others have put into operation.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 02:01 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

revelette2 wrote:

We need to know this, why?
Either scroll or put me on ignore if you don't want to read my posts about the Snowden documents.

But on the other hand, if this thread has got a different topic, is only between Frank and Olivier or anything else, I'll leave voluntarily.

What I'll do now.

Do whatever you want, Walter...but you really shouldn't be putting me in that notion with Olivier.

I am willing to keep the discussion about Snowden...and the peripheral items. It is Olivier who starts with the personal stuff...and the ad hominem. All I do is respond...and even in my responses, I often try to bring it back to Snowden.

He (Snowden) deserves a fair trial...and that is important to me.
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 02:16 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Yes, I understand the thread is about Snowden, just don't know why we need to see those particular documents and it's importance to us or your country. To be honest, I can't even guess what those documents represent.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 02:21 pm
@Frank Apisa,
He (Snowden) deserves a fair trial...and that is important to me.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 02:22 pm
Olivier5 wrote:

He (Snowden) deserves a fair trial...and that is important to me.


What difference does that make?
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 02:29 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Your need to belittle a discussion opponent is noted. If it makes your life more bearable by doing that...do so.

Talking to yourself, Frank?
Reply Wed 17 Sep, 2014 02:31 pm
@Frank Apisa,
People's motivations help explain their take, and often determine their biases.

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