Response from Snowden (?) to the
ridiculous op-ed by some Melissa Harris-Perry of MSNBC asking him to come back to the US. If it's indeed him, he's got some sense of humour... :-)

Ed Snowden commented yesterday
• #204
Dear Melissa,
I am glad it’s you, Melissa, because these days I am only getting boring emails from foreign journalists and some concerned European governments who want to know some ridiculous details about the NSA and stuff. I was pleasantly surprised that you’re not one of those muckrakers but a truly concerned voice of reason.
I will gladly accept your invitation to return to the U.S.A. because Russia is boring, the airport’s name is unpronounceable, and I can’t wait to meet heroic reporters like you, who tirelessly scrutinize the government’s invasion of their citizens’ privacy. I also appreciate that your critical coverage will give me full protection against being persecuted by the authorities.
That’s good, because I until I read your open letter, I was not super pleased with the prospective of going to jail for letting the world know that the NSA is going a tiny bit far with its well meant attempts to incorporate Stasi-style surveillance into the digital age.
I also completely understand the dilemma you and your altruistic journalistic colleagues in the U.S. are facing: As long as I am a free man, you can’t really focus on the important stories, nor do you have the time to investigate them. As you said, you have to talk about me and about how the international inconveniences caused by my absence from the U.S. are interfering with your normal work. You have no choice. I get it, as long as I am free, journalists in the U.S. will be unable to figure out whether my leak jeopardized national security.
On the other hand, if a court were to throw me into jail for it, you would have all the evidence needed to convince yourself and the public that I singlehandedly brought down national security. That’s a true win-win.
I am also sorry that I’ve been making myself the story. I forgot how much I control the media and every journalist’s mind. That was simply inconsiderate of me. I now understand, the best would have been if I had submitted a letter of complaint to the NSA ombudsman instead of letting the whole world know. A true whistleblower blows the whistle carefully, best in a noise-insulated room, as to not disturb the peace of others. And that jerk Greenwald should have kept his knowledge to himself, too. Just because he works for Guardian doesn’t make him a journalist, does it?
Another thing I really regret is that my attempts to find a way to leave Russia forced some allies of the U.S. to interrupt the free flow of air traffic. I totally understand that my presence on an airplane would inconvenience tourism, business traffic, and the airspace I’d cross. That’s why I’m still in Russia. In fact I am concerned that if I were to accept your invitation, the allies might not get the message and would not let me go home!
So that could ultimately force me to stay in Russia, although I would have loved to join the largest prisoner community in the world. After all, you make so eloquently clear that I am such a threat to Obama and everybody else that I would never be treated like Bradley Manning. I mean, if you say that I am a celebrity and that this will protect me, I am sure the courts and prisons will bow to your judgment.
So, dear Melissa, I am truly sorry that I inconvenienced your journalistic ethics. I hope you find soon a way to talk about, you know, something else without losing any sleep over it.
Thanks again for your heartfelt concern,
Your Ed