Snowdon is a dummy

Thu 4 Sep, 2014 08:56 am
Olivier5 wrote:

They believe the protection of the US from terrorists is paramount.

Except of course the NSA has never been able to show any case in which they help fend off a terrorist threat. But there are many cases where they spied on allies, private firms such as Siemens or Airbus, UNICEF and the likes... The anti-terrorism justification is just a front.

What nonsense. Americans funded terrorist attacks in the UK via Noraid, and we never had any problems with Islamic terrorism until we went along with America in the illegal invasion of Iraq.
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 09:39 am
with Islamic terrorism until we went along with America in the illegal invasion of Iraq.

NONSENSE you breed your own terrorists in your slums not us.

The US Muslim population in the US is far more of stake holders in our society then you had allowed your Muslim population to become.

I am sure that the young men who attacked your tubes and buses was rational and would not had done so but for your part in the invasion of Iraq.

An invasion by the way that removed a non-religion dictator/murderer that was suppressing the very branch of Islam that is now cutting people head off and who is threatening the West.

Not a rational group to say the least.
Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:03 am
Olivier5 wrote:

I care!

Has there been a law passed that my reasons have to pass muster with YOU???

I am just not convinced that you are saying the truth about your motivations.

Thank you for sharing that opinion of my motives. I will file that where I file your other opinion--in the "Not worth consideration" section.

There's no reason to care for one particular case of document theft and not for the scores of other leaks that have marked the US political life since the Watergate scandal...

Take a look at the title of this thread, Olivier...and wake the hell up. If other threads start dealing with other things...and I think it worth my while to contribute...I will.

What's so special about Snowden?

Ummm...nothing, which is why I wonder why people consider him a hero or someone due the Nobel Peace Prize.

But once again...take a look at the title of this thread, Olivier.

Jeez, you are on a mission to make me look like I am picking on someone with learning disabilities, aren't you!

Did you write hundreds of letters about the Watergate scandal on how "Deep Throat" deserved a fair trial???

No...but I haven't written hundreds of letters about Snowden either.

This in the INTERNET, Olivier. I am posting on the Internet.

I didn't have access to the Internet back then.

Once again: You seem determined to make it look as though I am picking on someone with learning disabilities, aren't you!

Pick it up a notch!

Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:05 am
Olivier5 wrote:

They believe the protection of the US from terrorists is paramount.

Except of course the NSA has never been able to show any case in which they help fend off a terrorist threat.

Like it has a choice!!!

If it has "fended off" a terrorist attack, Olivier...I would expect them to deny it. No use giving the terrorists any more help than some others have been giving them.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:07 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
So tell us, Walter...in your Constitution, is "the retired former president of your Federal Constitutional Court Papier" who is assigned responsibility for determining whether or not something done in your country by its government...is constitutional or not?
Retired is retired (The judges of the Federal Constitutional Court are elected for a period of twelve years and can't be re-elected.)
Papier is one of the best known scholars of constitutional law. He is co-publisher and author of the "Maunz/Dürig", a comment valid as standard work to the Basic Law , and has witnessed as legal expert a few weeks ago to the NSA-committee.

You didn't answer the question, Walter.

I suspect the answer to my question is....NO.

Just that one word...NO.

Am I correct about that?
Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:12 am
Olivier5 wrote:

People from outside the United States reveling in the US discomfort...and citizens of the US helping them feel good about themselves by downing the US.

And good American boys and girls getting pissed at the messenger for telling them what they don't want to know about their country... Yep, the whole debate is about the tarnished US image abroad and at home... A very futile issue to concern oneself with.

You appear to be enjoying things, Olivier...and you have several turncoat Americans to cheer you on. They apparently hate America...and are aiding you to the best of their abilities in your attempt to portray the United States in as negative way as possible.

You are succeeding in what you are doing...I will give you that.

Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:13 am
I don't know about your life, I don't know where you live. Or care. I believe those who do this sort of thing for a living when they say the documents exposed some diplomats and puts some troops in danger and it helped terrorist because it exposed the methods they used to track them. If you don't believe them, don't believe them. I do.
Walter Hinteler
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:23 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
You didn't answer the question, Walter.
I did:
I wrote:
Retired is retired
Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:36 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
You didn't answer the question, Walter.
I did:
I wrote:
Retired is retired

No...you most assuredly did not answer the question, Walter.


In your Constitution, is "the retired former president of your Federal Constitutional Court Papier" assigned responsibility for determining whether or not something done in your country by its government...is constitutional or not?"

The response..."retired is retired" DOES NOT ANSWER THAT QUESTION...which really should be answered with a "Yes" or a "No."

Want to try again?
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:44 am
The 7/7 bombings were as a direct result of the Iraq invasion, the bombers said as much.

We don't put Moslems in slums. The idea of stakeholders has nothing to do with the difference between how our countries dealt with Moslems, but more to do with the counties they came from.

American Moslems tended to come from Arab counties, a lot from Palestine and Lebanon with no prospects of ever returning home. Most of our Moslems came from Pakistan, and they constantly went back and forth, a lot of kids missed out on education because they would spend up to two years living with grandparents in Pakistan.
0 Replies
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 10:55 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:

Izzy pretty much caught the spirit of this entire discussion.

People from outside the United States reveling in the US discomfort...and citizens of the US helping them feel good about themselves by downing the US.

That says more about you than anything else. You have to think like that in order to cope. Nobody is revelling in US discomfort, the opposite in fact. These revelations have damaged the West at a time when we need to show solidarity against Putin and IS.

America's arrogance in downing a presidential plane did way more to harm America's reputation that anything released by Snowden. If you feel discomfort about anything it should be torturing prisoners not surveillance.

You and MIT are having real problems adjusting to that fact that America can no longer decide on what to do and have its allies meekly follow. You're going to have to adopt a more consensus lead approach, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you continue to insist on having everything your own way, like you're doing with Snowden, the results will be disastrous for all of us.

You need to get over your self pity and deal with the new reality, for all our sakes.
Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:09 am
izzythepush wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:

Izzy pretty much caught the spirit of this entire discussion.

People from outside the United States reveling in the US discomfort...and citizens of the US helping them feel good about themselves by downing the US.

That says more about you than anything else. You have to think like that in order to cope. Nobody is revelling in US discomfort, the opposite in fact. These revelations have damaged the West at a time when we need to show solidarity against Putin and IS.

America's arrogance in downing a presidential plane did way more to harm America's reputation that anything released by Snowden. If you feel discomfort about anything it should be torturing prisoners not surveillance.

You and MIT are having real problems adjusting to that fact that America can no longer decide on what to do and have its allies meekly follow. You're going to have to adopt a more consensus lead approach, that's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you continue to insist on having everything your own way, like you're doing with Snowden, the results will be disastrous for all of us.

You need to get over your self pity and deal with the new reality, for all our sakes.

No self-pity going on with me at all, Izzy. I have one of the most comfortable, satisfied lives going. I am very content. And NO WAY I am asking your country or any other to "meekly follow" us. I put myself in lots of jeopardy at times by actually writing letters to the editor of several newspapers in Europe deriding European acquiescence to our leadership...a thing I consider absurd and dangerous. I do not want you people meekly following us!

So you are dead wrong on both those things.

You, on the other hand...in most of your posts...seem to be reveling in the fact that the US is having trouble "leading" the world the way you want us to lead the world.

So...revel away. No skin off my nose.

Your England was a great power at one time...and now is just a second rate power. At some point soon...WE will be a second rate power.

It happens.

Egypt fell; Greece fell; Macedonia fell; England and all the great European powers fell...

...and we will fall.

Enjoy it.

The world will go on with someone else in the catbird seat.
cicerone imposter
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:10 am
You said to which I agree,
America's arrogance in downing a presidential plane did way more to harm America's reputation that anything released by Snowden. If you feel discomfort about anything it should be torturing prisoners not surveillance.

They are blind to the crimes of our country; illegal by law domestically and internationally. We are a signatory of the laws against torture, but Frank and MIT will ignore these fine points to shield our country from our own crimes.

Their disrespect for the rule of law proves they're on the wrong side of this argument.

I like to point out these things that damage our country, because as they say, I hate America.

They'll never 'get it.' I guarantee it!
Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:17 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

You said to which I agree,
America's arrogance in downing a presidential plane did way more to harm America's reputation that anything released by Snowden. If you feel discomfort about anything it should be torturing prisoners not surveillance.

They are blind to the crimes of our country; illegal by law domestically and internationally. We are a signatory of the laws against torture, but Frank and MIT will ignore these fine points to shield our country from our own crimes.

Their disrespect for the rule of law proves they're on the wrong side of this argument.

I like to point out these things that damage our country, because as they say, I hate America.

They'll never 'get it.' I guarantee it!

Either you DO hate America, ci...or you are just plain stupid...which I prefer not to think you are.

I understand and "get" the problems that have arisen during the last several decades. I understand that some moves to deal with them have been ill-advised and probably counterproductive. I have spoken out against them.

That is not what you are doing. You are constantly and regularly damning this country...in an unrelenting rage against it. You are an American in name only...and should be ashamed of your conduct.

I think I did suggest this before...but if you hate it here as much as you seem to...you ought really to at least consider going somewhere else. Go somewhere where you think they have the privacy and liberty you think are being denied you here.

Such a move will probably be good for you...and definitely will be good for the United States.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:36 am
@Frank Apisa,
I presumed that you were intelligent enough to get that a retired judge of the Federal Constitutional Court is a retired judge of the Federal Constitutional Court. So he doesn't have the slightest chance to rule on the constitution. And even if he wasn't retired: his opinion wold have been just one judge in one of two senates, each of which has eight members.

Now, Frank, try again to get, if that is a 'yes' or 'no'.
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:49 am
@Frank Apisa,
You appear to be enjoying things, Olivier...and you have several turncoat Americans to cheer you on. They apparently hate America...and are aiding you to the best of their abilities in your attempt to portray the United States in as negative way as possible.

What a petty, parochial mind you have...

CI, Bill, and Snowden, care for America more than you do. You're just obsessed by her IMAGE while they deal with her REALITY.
Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:51 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

I presumed that you were intelligent enough to get that a retired judge of the Federal Constitutional Court is a retired judge of the Federal Constitutional Court. So he doesn't have the slightest chance to rule on the constitution. And even if he wasn't retired: his opinion wold have been just one judge in one of two senates, each of which has eight members.

Now, Frank, try again to get, if that is a 'yes' or 'no'.

I will accept it as a "NO"...although I was correct that you did not answer my question...and you were incorrect that you had.

Anyway...his opinion is just his opinion...and does not impact significantly on the problem at hand.

Walter Hinteler
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
Frank Apisa wrote:
Anyway...his opinion is just his opinion...and does not impact significantly on the problem at hand.
That can be highly disputed.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:57 am
Olivier5 wrote:

You appear to be enjoying things, Olivier...and you have several turncoat Americans to cheer you on. They apparently hate America...and are aiding you to the best of their abilities in your attempt to portray the United States in as negative way as possible.

What a petty, parochial mind you have...

Actually, my mind is not petty nor parochial, Olivier. But if it allows you to feel better about yourself to suggest that it is...go for it.

All I get is a laugh from your need.

CI, Bill, and Snowden, care for America more than you do.

I doubt that, but if it allows you to feel better about yourself to suggest that is so...be my guest. Wink


You're just obsessed by her IMAGE while they deal with her REALITY.

I tend not to be obsessed.

ci and Bill are unduly negative toward this country...and I see people like you reveling in that construct.

So...ci and Bill are deriving pleasure from their constant negative remarks about this country...you are deriving pleasure from hearing them constantly showing contempt and scorn for it...and I am laughing my butt off watching you all dance this silly dance.

A win/win/win situation.

Go enjoy it. Stop sulking. Wink
Thu 4 Sep, 2014 11:57 am
Of course you do believe your handlers. What else can you do? You probably believed the lies they fed you about WMDs in Iraq as well... I chose to believe Snowden. He is evidently smarter than they all are, more principled, and contrary to the NSA, he provides evidence for his statements. Smile

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