Snowdon is a dummy

Frank Apisa
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 02:05 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Frank Apisa wrote:
If you think anything else...you are being naive. [/b]
Obviously I am.

Yes, you are.


And I've been quite naïve about the so-called friendship of the USA as well.

I think the "so-called friendship" between the USA and Germany will be in fine shape...after the German officials figure out how to deal properly with this mess.

German governmental officials know that other countries...INCLUDING THE USA...will spy on them. They've always known it. They are NOT naive.

If anything, this will give them a chance to beef up their security...which obviously needs lots of beefing up. Our security needs lots of it also. I hope we do it.

Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 02:18 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Well, it's somewhat surprising for us here that the the USA oes the very some what the Nazis and the Stasi did.

But you're correct: WE have to figure it out and look how WE can live with it.

The USA will dictate what we have to do and what is our best.
Frank Apisa
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 02:35 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Well, it's somewhat surprising for us here that the the USA oes the very some what the Nazis and the Stasi did.

But you're correct: WE have to figure it out and look how WE can live with it.

The USA will dictate what we have to do and what is our best.

I doubt the USA will dictate to anyone what they must or must not do. And if the rest of the world allows us to do that...they deserve what they would get.

But as I said...I doubt we will ever be in a position where we will be able to dictate that kind of thing.

My opinion: Personal privacy is dead...a thing of the past. It doesn't take governments to make that happen...the private community is even more an intruder. Anything you definitely want to keep private...let you be the only one who knows it. If anyone else does...chances are everyone else who wants to know eventually will.

Spying among nations will go on for as long as there are nations...and government monitoring the activities of its citizens will become more and more wide-spread with each passing year.

It cannot be stopped...and my personal opinion is that it will not be a bad thing...and may very well be an important step toward a much better, safer world.

You are welcome to have the opposite opinion. All I am doing is sharing mine.
Frank Apisa
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 02:37 pm
@Frank Apisa,
By the way, if you want to think we are what the Nazis and STASI were...you are free to do so.

One of the reasons we probably are monitoring you people...is that you once were those things.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 02:44 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I honestly had thought, Frank, that you were more intelligent.

669 years the second world war ended. Yes, the Nazis started us. And had had by spying those in their bloody hands who tried to oppose them.
Which finally silinced most.

The Stasi wasn't so effective, but to their excuse: the hadn't to spy only on their 17 million own citizens but on us in Federal Republic as well.

So that is the reason the USA is probably monitoring the inquiry parliamentary committee which investigates the spying of the USA on our our Chancellor and other.
Fine. You certainly have the moral (and perhaps legal) right and duty to do so.
cicerone imposter
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 02:45 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, You continue to show your ignorance. We did to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya that were unlawful. Even Obama broke international laws.

The USA has illegally made war on many nations, in many cases using the pretext of UN resolutions that it has engineered in the UN Security Council to make them appear as if they have some legitimacy. However the Americans have also waged war on nations that have been absolutely no threat to the USA and that is illegal not just in the international sense, but completely against US law.

For example, after the US attacks on Libya in 2011, President Barack Obama stated, "

"The president does not have the power under the constitution to unilaterally authorise a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation."
There it is, right out of the mouth of the US president, who indeed did authorise a military attack on a nation that was no threat whatsoever to the USA and not even a threat to its neighbours. Therefore what Obama and the USA did against Libya was completely illegal.

More interestingly, Democrat Vice-President Joe Biden made this statement on TV about former President George W Bush when he authorised the USA's illegal war against Iraq in 2003.

"The president has no constitutional authority to take this nation to war against a country of 70 million people unless we are attacked or unless there is proof that we are about to be attacked. And if he does, I would move to impeach him."
Biden became Vice-President of the USA in the Obama regime and thus was a direct party to the US attack on Libya, an act that is no different than the USA's initial attack on Iraq in 2003. Yet there has been a deafening silence from Biden about the illegality of his President's action in authorising the attack on Libya.

It is obvious by the very own words of President Barack Obama that he knew that his action in authorising the US attack on Libya was illegal, but he did it anyway. Previous US administrations have done exactly the same, proving that the Americans will commit illegal acts, not just against international law, but against their own laws too - and they actually know that they are breaking the law.

The USA also uses pressure on the UN Security Council (UNSC) for this body to pass illegal resolutions to support US aggression. For instance, the UNSC vote to impose a no-fly zone on Libya was illegal, because Libya did not attack any other nation. Libya was involved in a completely internal civil war and the UN mandate does not allow for external interference by other nations in any sovereign nation's internal affairs. But the Americans used that illegal resolution to give NATO a pretext to attack Libya.
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 02:59 pm
@Frank Apisa,
The idea that a secret service controls a parliament should be impossible in a democracy.

The idea that a foreign secret service tries to do it ... seems to be the fact here. But as Frank rightly said: Germany had had the Nazi Reich. And the German Democratic Republic is now part of Germany (the Chancellor lived there!).

I'm sure that there are quite a few reasons not only to monitor us but to take action.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 03:01 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

669 years the second world war ended.
69 years, of course.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 03:15 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

I honestly had thought, Frank, that you were more intelligent.

Taking lessons in how to insult from other people here, Walter.

I am reasonably intelligent. Not the smartest guy in A2K...that is for sure. But not unintelligent.

669 years the second world war ended.

I thought it ended much more recently.

Yes, the Nazis started us. And had had by spying those in their bloody hands who tried to oppose them.
Which finally silinced most.

The Stasi wasn't so effective, but to their excuse: the hadn't to spy only on their 17 million own citizens but on us in Federal Republic as well.

YOU brought the Nazis and Stasi into this conversation, Walter...not I.

So that is the reason the USA is probably monitoring the inquiry parliamentary committee which investigates the spying of the USA on our our Chancellor and other.

I didn't say it was the reason...I said it probably is ONE OF THE REASONS. Anyone on this planet trusting the German state without some concern really needs a head examination.

If that bothers you...do not introduce those things into this conversation...which should be about whether or not Edward Snowden is a dummy.


Fine. You certainly have the moral (and perhaps legal) right and duty to do so.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 03:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Frank, You continue to show your ignorance.

Yes, I understand your need to call debate opponents ignorant, ci. I hope you got your jollies calling me ignorant.

cicerone imposter
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 03:21 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I just calls em the way I sees em. Mr. Green

The US acts illegally in so many ways, it's mind boggling to some of us who see our aggression as justified - when they're not!

Just as an example, here is a chronological list of just a few of the belligerent and mostly illegal acts of aggression and interference that the USA has perpetrated since World War Two, along with the President who was in office at the time.

1949 - SYRIA - (President Harry Truman - Democrat)
The USA backed the military coup that deposed the elected government of Syria. Colonel Al-Zaim became dictator and his government was immediately recognised by the USA. The CIA assisted in the suppression of political opposition.

1950 - KOREA - (President Harry Truman - Democrat)
The USA battled North Korea without any declaration of war and called it a police action. This was primarily due to US President Truman's belief in the Domino Theory, that if Korea fell to communism, then other nations in the region would also succumb.

1953 - IRAN - (President Dwight Eisenhower - Republican)
Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran took power in a coup planned and supported by the USA and UK secret services (Operation Ajax). He toppled the popular democracy of Mohammed Mossadegh, who had stated that the mineral wealth of the country should benefit its citizens. This did not please the Western oil companies. The Iranian parliament had nationalised UK oil concessions that were reaping 88% of the profits from the country's oil industry. Iran had offered the UK 25% of the profits. The UK responded by imposing a blockade on Iran and freezing Iranian assets. After the coup, oil concessions were given to USA and UK companies and Anglo-Iranian Oil was renamed British Petroleum.

1954 - GUATEMALA - (President Dwight Eisenhower - Republican)
The USA organised a military coup in Guatemala to remove the popular and reforming president, Juan José Arévalo. The country had been democratic since 1944 and Arévalo had permitted free expression, legalised unions and diverse political parties. The USA declared that the reason for the coup was to stop a takeover by the USSR, but the real reason was economic. American companies, especially United Fruit, would benefit from cheap labour, lax safety laws and a helpful government.

1955 - VIETNAM - (President Dwight Eisenhower - Republican)
The USA was unhappy about the communist government in the north, so it firstly embarked on training the South Vietnam military, then got fully involved in a large scale civil war, bombing all of Vietnam and surrounding countries until eventually it was beaten and driven out in 1975.

1958 - LAOS - (President Dwight Eisenhower - Republican)
The USA CIA and State Department engineered a coup to topple the freely elected government of Prince Souvanna Phouma. US backed Rightist forces took over the government.

1961 - CUBA - (President John F Kennedy - Democrat)
After the fascist US backed dictator Fulgencio Batista was deposed by Fidel Castro, the USA, unhappy about his new communist government, funded and backed an illegal invasion (Bay of Pigs) that failed. The USA maintains sanctions against Cuba to this day.

1963 - IRAQ - (President John F Kennedy - Democrat)
Leader of Iraq, Abdul Karim Kassem, was overthrown in a coup and summarily executed. The USA gave the new regime (the Ba'ath Party, soon to be headed by Saddam Hussein) the names of thousands of communists who were then killed. Kassem had helped found the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in an attempt to curtail Western control of Arab oil. He had planned to nationalise the Iraq Petroleum Company, in which the USA had an interest. Iraq had also disapproved when Kuwait had been given independence by the UK with a pro-west emir and oil concessions to Western companies. A few days before the coup, the French newspaper Le Monde had reported that Kassem had been warned by the USA government to change his country's economic policies or face sanctions. Declassified British government papers indicated that the coup was backed by the USA and UK. The new government promised not to nationalise American oil interests and renounced its claim to Kuwait.

1963 - HONDURAS - (President John F Kennedy - Democrat)
The president eventually resigned after accepting bribes from an American company. The USA took control of the country and gained access to its raw materials by giving huge amounts of aid to the military.

1963 - GUATEMALA - (President John F Kennedy - Democrat)
The USA CIA engineered the overthrow of General Miguel Ydigoras. He had been planning to step down in 1964 and hold elections. The USA feared that the previously elected president Juan José Arévalo, who was overthrown by the CIA in 1954, would regain power.

1965 - DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - (President Lyndon Johnson - Democrat)
The democratically elected government was removed by a US backed military coup. Juan Bosch had become the first democratically elected president of the country since 1924. His program included land reform, affordable housing, avoidance of exploitative foreign investment, civil liberties and nationalisation. After the coup, USA marines were sent in to look after American business interests and support the new puppet regime.

1965 - ZAIRE - (President Lyndon Johnson - Democrat)
The new US backed ruler Mobutu Sese Seko allowed USA companies access to the country's cobalt, copper, and diamonds. Mobutu amassed a personal fortune of over $5,000 million. Every foreign company setting up in the country has to pay a "tribute" to the president.

1966 - GHANA - (President Lyndon Johnson - Democrat)
Kwame Nkrumah attempted to lessen his country's dependence of the West. He strengthened military and economic ties to Eastern Europe, the USSR and China. He was removed from power in a coup backed by the USA CIA. According to a declassified CIA internal memo dated 25 February 1966, the CIA and Ghana's military leaders had been plotting the coup for over a year.

1970 - CAMBODIA - (President Richard Nixon - Republican)
USA and South Vietnamese troops invaded Cambodia. King Sihanouk was deposed in a USA-backed coup by Lol Nol.

1970 - BOLIVIA - (President Richard Nixon - Republican)
With direct support from the USA, a military coup led by US-trained officer and Gulf Oil beneficiary, Hugo Banzer, deposed the government. During the coup, Banzer's forces had a breakdown in radio communications and USA Air Force radio was placed at their disposal. Previous president Juan Jose Torres had nationalised Gulf Oil properties and tin mines owned by US companies.

1973 - CHILE - (President Richard Nixon - Republican)
The USA was unhappy about the legally elected socialist government of Salvador Allende, so the CIA arranged for him to be deposed. A US backed fascist dictatorship led by Augusto Pinochet was installed, that was responsible for killing many tens of thousands of innocent Chileans.

1980 - LIBERIA - (President Jimmy Carter - Democrat)
The US-backed Samuel Doe took power in a bloody coup. All opposition parties were barred from future elections. Doe and his family became very rich from bribery and corruption. Revenues from petrol and hotel taxes went directly into the Doe's bank account. His fellow tribespeople, who only comprised 4% of the population were elevated into a ruling elite who oppressed the rest of the population. According the Chicago Tribune newspaper, on 22 August 1990 a US official admitted that "Our strategic interests are more important than democracy". The USA gave the new regime military and economic aid. US companies Firestone and BF Goodrich prospered under the new regime.

1983 - GRENADA - (President Ronald Reagan - Republican)
The USA was unhappy about the installation by popular revolution of socialist leader Maurice Bishop. On the fabricated pretext that US citizens were in danger, the USA invaded and deposed his government.

1985 - NICARAGUA - (President Ronald Reagan - Republican)
The USA was opposed to the legally elected Socialist government of Daniel Ortega so the USA secretly funded a guerrilla army with money made from illegal weapons sales to Iran, to try and overthrow his government. This became notorious as the Iran-Contra Affair. The USA also illegally mined the harbour of the capital city Managua to disrupt shipping.

1986 - LIBYA - (President Ronald Reagan - Republican)
Without offering any hard evidence whatsoever, the USA claimed that Libya was masterminding global terrorism and illegally bombed Tripoli, killing the daughter of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and other innocent civilians.

1987 - FIJI - (President Ronald Reagan - Republican)
Timoci Bavadra defeated the pro-US Prime Minister Ratu Sir Kamese Mara after free elections. The new government supported a nuclear-free South Pacific, which was welcomed by the regional populace, but opposed by the USA. The USA wanted its nuclear powered ships to use the country's ports. One month after his victory, Bavadra was overthrown by the pro-nuclear General Sitiveni Rabuka, with the help of the USA. The coup was greeted by a Pentagon source in the USA, who told the Australian newspaper, the Sydney Morning Herald: "We're kinda delighted. All of a sudden our ships couldn't go to Fiji, and now all of a sudden they can". In 1972 when a previous Fijian government had attempted to bar nuclear ships, USA ambassador William Bodde stated that: "A nuclear free zone would be unacceptable to the USA, given our strategic needs. The USA must do everything possible to counter this movement".

1989 - PANAMA - (President Ronald Reagan - Republican)
The USA claimed that Panamanian head of state Manuel Noriega was allowing drug shipments to transit Panama enroute to the USA, so against established international law, the USA illegally invaded Panama, kidnapped Noriega and illegally took him to USA where he was jailed.

1990 - IRAQ - (President George HW Bush - Republican)
The USA masterminded the bombing and invasion of Iraq after Iraq invaded Kuwait although Kuwait was not a US ally and was previously Iraqi territory. Evidence has emerged that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was secretly given the green light by the US ambassador to Iraq, April Glaspie, to annex Kuwait. Once the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait was underway, the USA suddenly reversed its policy, thus creating a pretext for Iraq to be invaded.

1993 - IRAQ - (President Bill Clinton - Democrat)
The USA claimed that Iraq was plotting to kill the then US President and bombed Baghdad, however no proof has ever been given that such a plot existed.

1998 - AFGHANISTAN - (President Bill Clinton - Democrat)
The USA bombed the residence of suspected US embassy bombing mastermind Osama Bin Laden, killing innocent people. The USA was not then at war with Afghanistan.

1998 - SUDAN - (President Bill Clinton - Democrat)
The USA claimed that Sudan was operating a chemical weapons factory and bombed it without warning. The USA was not at war with Sudan and this was nothing more than an illegal act of aggression. It was subsequently proven that this factory was nothing more than a pharmaceuticals manufacturing plant.

1998 - IRAQ - With the UK, the USA imposed an illegal no-fly zone on Iraq without UN sanction. This action was not part of the cease-fire agreement between Iraq and the UN and under international law, it was an illegal act of continuing aggression by the USA.

1999 - YUGOSLAVIA - (President Bill Clinton - Democrat)
This was a totally illegal act of aggression against a sovereign nation. US interests or citizens were not at risk and war was not declared. NATO is a defence alliance and has no mandate to wage war unless member countries are attacked. US missiles and bombs killed many innocent civilians including those the USA claimed to want to protect.

2001 - AFGHANISTAN - (President George W Bush - Republican)
On 11 September 2001, four hijacked airliners were used to attack the World Trade Centre in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington DC. This attack was blamed on Al Qaeda and its leader Osama Bin Laden, however copious evidence has emerged to literally prove beyond doubt that this attack was an American false flag operation to create such an atrocity, that the American people and the rest of the world would not raise any objections to the USA retaliating in any way. So after fruitless demands by the Americans to the Afghan government for Bin Laden's handover, the USA attacked and invaded Afghanistan. Evidence has also emerged that the main reason for this was the refusal of the Afghan government to allow the US oil company Unocal to build oil pipelines from Turkmenistan to Pakistan and reap hundreds of billions of dollars. To achieve this, the Americans had to get rid of the Afghan government and install a puppet regime, but lacked any sort of credible pretext, so they created one in the form of 9/11 and the deaths of 3000 people and used it to invade Afghanistan.

2003 - IRAQ - (President George W Bush - Republican)
This invasion was a totally illegal act of aggression against a sovereign nation. The USA was not in any danger from the regime of Saddam Hussein, however against opposition from a majority of members of the UN Security Council and no evidence of weapons of mass destruction to justify military action, the USA invaded Iraq and deposed the government, killing thousands of Iraqis in the process. It is estimated that over half a million Iraqis have perished since the Americans invaded and occupied this nation.

2007 - IRAN - (President George W Bush - Republican)
The US Congress agreed to a request from former President George W Bush to fund a major escalation of covert operations against Iran. $400 million was allocated to destabilise the country's religious leadership. The covert activities involve support of the minority Ahwazi Arab and Baluchi groups and other dissident organisations. US Special Operations Forces have been conducting cross-border operations from southern Iraq with Presidential authorisation for years. These illegal invasions have included kidnapping members of Al Quds, the commando arm of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and taking them to Iraq for interrogation. Through the CIA, the USA has also been funding the proscribed terrorist organisation Jundullah to attack Iran from its base in Pakistan. These activities are all highly illegal acts of war.

2011 - LIBYA - (President Barack Obama - Democrat)
In February 2011 there was a popular uprising against the regime of Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi. Eventually by March, the rebels found themselves outgunned by Libyan military forces using aircraft, so on 17 March, a number of nations on the UN Security Council voted to impose a no-fly zone. It was obvious that this UNSC vote was pushed by the USA, which engaged in the attack on Libya on 19 March alongside France and Britain. The Americans fired 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Libya on the first day and US, British and French aircraft engaged in attacks on Libyan government assets. Gaddafi was eventually captured and immediately killed by the rebels.

It is a matter of fact that John Stockwell, ex-CIA Station Chief, also worked for the director of the CIA under George Bush (Senior) testified before the Congress that during the Cold War era, over 6 million people have died in the CIA covert wars. The world has decried the fact that 6 million Jews died at the hands of the Nazis in World War Two, but the grim fact that the Americans were responsible for the same number of deaths because of the CIA has been completely whitewashed. This alone proves that the USA is the biggest rogue terrorist nation in the world.

Apart from US covert political interference, there is a comprehensive list of US military aggression called US Military Interventions on the Downloads page that clearly shows that the USA is by far the greatest transgressor in the world when it comes to mostly illegal interference in the affairs of other nations.
Frank Apisa
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 03:44 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

I just calls em the way I sees em. Mr. Green

Yes...you use terms like stupid, moron, ignorant...and otherwise question intelligence in many of your debate opponents. You've gotten quite nasty during the last few years...something I never noticed in you years ago.

But if that kind of thing helps you get through the day...I guess you gotta go for it.

I'm not going to debate my intelligence with you, ci. I am an intelligent, articulate, reasonably well-informed individual whether you see that or not.
cicerone imposter
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 04:03 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Frank, You do it too, and almost everybody understands your "I'm the only valid provider of what's right" ad nauseam. Get over yourself! Your opinions aren't any more valid than the next guys - mine included. I'll continue to attack your opinions as I wish; this is a public forum. You can attack mine as well.

Frank Apisa
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 04:25 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Frank, You do it too, and almost everybody understands your "I'm the only valid provider of what's right" ad nauseam.

I have never used that expression at any time during my stay here or at Abuzz. That was something you invented...another of your favorite things to do, ci.

Get over yourself!

Get over yourself, ci. You've gotten out of control.

Your opinions aren't any more valid than the next guys - mine included.

I defy you to show me any post of mine suggesting that my opinions are better than anyone else's. Why do you make this stuff up???

I'll continue to attack your opinions as I wish; this is a public forum.

Fine...and I will expect the usual dose of "you are stupid, you are a moron, you are ignorant"...which you seem to find to be an indispensable part of so many of your arguments.


You can attack mine as well.

I will continue to discuss our differences. I prefer not to "attack" you or your opinions.
cicerone imposter
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 04:46 pm
@Frank Apisa,
"Expressions?" LMAO Come off it, Frank. You're a know it all who repeats ad nauseam what you think are the only opinion with value.

You belittle people in so many ways, I've lost count. Too bad you're blind to your own attacks against other posters.
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 05:08 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I don't know what else to say. I'm kinda blown away. Do you think anyone will even notice? Will Frank make any comment?

I applaud you, CI!!!!!

0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 05:10 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I think Frank went quickly to "Oh look a squirrel!"
0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 05:16 pm
@cicerone imposter,
However the Americans have also waged war on nations that have been absolutely no threat to the USA and that is illegal not just in the international sense, but completely against US law.

For example, after the US attacks on Libya in 2011, President Barack Obama stated, "


0 Replies
Fri 4 Jul, 2014 05:16 pm
@cicerone imposter,
However the Americans have also waged war on nations that have been absolutely no threat to the USA and that is illegal not just in the international sense, but completely against US law.

For example, after the US attacks on Libya in 2011, President Barack Obama stated, "


Fri 4 Jul, 2014 05:19 pm
And Bill went even quicker than Frank to "Oh look a squirrel!".
0 Replies

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