@Frank Apisa,
Obarmy looks a fool to me. Right from the first time I saw his mug.
He can't resist jogging up steps even when there are only three and deliberately refuses to avail himself of the hand-rails which have been provided by sensible designers of portable staircases to the doors of large jet-planes.
He stopped smoking because Her Indoors, in cahoots with his daughters, threatened to withdraw co-operation.
He has deliberately chosen to provide us with a view of his bare legs in between his socks and his short's bottom.
He hurriedly departed from a Stag Party in a pub when a stripper took one of her gloves off suggestively.
He wanted desperately to become ******* President.
He thinks the public is stupid.
He allows his wife to make a fool of herself in public.
The rest is a scripted performance of the sort many movie actors have done better and from which it largely derives. Life imitating art. And the complete opposite of Abe Lincoln's weary, shagged-out image.
The burdens of office being lightly worn.