Notable Notes for a Canajun April:
April 1, 1776, the first "United Empire" loyalists arrive in Halifax. They apparently found the notion of a United States uncongenial, and no longer valued the company of their neighbors. Life would be very difficult indeed for the "American Tories," before they would be well-established in Canadia.
On April 2, 1975, the final piece of the CN Tower was lifted into place, making it then the tallest free-standing structure in the world. It is a striking landmark as one drives into Toronto, and passing it always tells me i'm within 15 mintues (well, at the speed i drive, ten or fewer minutes--but don't tell my sweetiepie!) of ehBeth's House.
The Canadian Second Division entered the battle of St. Eloi in Belgium on April 3, 1916. Canada was eventually to make a contribution in the lives of her young men out of all proportion to any other nation in that war. She lost more than 60,000 killed, which in a population of 7,000,000, was an enormous number. Had the United States suffered comparable casualties, we'd have had over a milllion men killed. As it was, both killed and wounded Americans amounted to fewer than a quarter of a million. I'd say Canada "paid her Imperial dues" in that war.
On the fourth of a April, 1949, Canada became one of the dozen founding members of NATO. Her contribution to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has been a superb anti-submarine Navy, expanding upon the vital role she played in the Second World War.