oooh, peaches from the Niagara Escarpment, and the black cherries ... mmmmmmmmm - now I really want to go to Kensington just to look at good fruit, and veggies, and nuts and spices and ... mmmmm
They gots lots a real beautiful tomatoes in Taranna . . . and good veggies, too . . .
blatham wrote:go canada fruit!!!!
Now, that ^^^, is a quotable quote!
A few years ago, in the early spring, I picked up some tomatoes from the supermarket. My husband I both remarked at how excellent they tasted for being hot house tomatoes. "Where were these grown?" he asked. I looked at the sticker attached to another tomato, and it said, "Grown in Canada."
Anybody else remember that great quote from Keillor about "tomatos that were strip-mined in Texas"?
We get 15 hours of sunshine up here in the sticks during summer months. I grow so many tomatoes I have to give them away, by the bucket full.
When I visited Ireland as a young girl, my uncle introduced my as his neice from canada, where tomatas grow as big as yer fist. He wasn't lying.
you people are certainly sensitive re: your vegetables. I shall , hereafter keep quiet unless I have something good to say about your produce.
tap tap
tap tap
tap tap
tap tap
well, with the Canadian tomato, you can always be assured that youre not blinded by the bright red color of the fruits.
Canajuns will ship their proud tomatoes to you 'Mericans when you decide to quell the ego and give us our props. 'Nuff said. Don't get me started on our salt-marsh raised Ile Verte lamb...
tell me bout the lamb, Im always interested in growing a more flavorful piece of meat. we just slap corn and oats and molasses into ours. Damn things go to the butcher looking like Sumo wrestlers. Im not too happy with the "corn-fed" ****
The lamb is raised on Ile Verte, a salt marsh islet off the coast of Quebec. It is delicious, and supplied to restaurants via La Ferme. It is all seasonal, and not cheap.
Quote:well, with the Canadian tomato, you can always be assured that youre not blinded by the bright red color of the fruits.
We aren't going to forget any of this.
I checked my charts cav. Its right across from Riviere du Loupe. Last year we were only about 300 naut mi away when we docked at the Madelaines on the way back from the rock. ROAD TRIP> I need another reason to take the boat out for a long expedition. HRH farmerlady, will be thrilled to take a trip that could involve shopping.
What do you think is the lambs diet? how big are they when marketed? do you know what breed? is there a web site? Im really interested in how boutique lamb farmers of other countries develop markets. Weve been trying a lamb marketing coop through membership , and its starting slowly. im convinced that quality sells before price.
blatham, you wont remember this trust me, Ive been told by others that you are so poor of memory that you can hide your own easter eggs.
re memory...true. On the plus side, my ladyfriend is a constant surprise in bed.
Yes, i imagine it does surprise you to find a lady in your bed . . .
On March 31, 1890, the Manitoba Schools Act abolished publicly funded support for separate Catholic schools. (Damned Métis, eh?)
In 1835, Joseph Howe was charged, in Nova Scotia (you know, the province named for a bank?) with criminal libel for criticizing local government officials. He was acquitted, and in 1836, entered politics. He is credited as being the primay moving force for bringing accountable and responsible government to Nova Scotia; which he noted had been achieved without "a blow struck or a pane of glass broken."
Just cause hes got a red suit on doesnt mean hes an official does it? I mean the mounties are more like the
postal Service, except with guns. (in the US, that distinction doesnt always hold)
Great cartoon i saw once, shows a bunch a kids laying around the back yard in poses of death, and a kid on the back stoop with a toy gun. He is looking at his mother, and says: "Playing Post Office, why?"
i know it's not tomatoe growing season yet, but ... if you are growing your own tomatoes and want them tasty and sweet (little or no acid), make sure that you you give them a dose of EPSOM SALT when they are just turning pink . about a 1/2 cup of epsom salt to a pailfull of water, about a quarter of a pail per plant and the sweetest tomatoes are guaranteed. this recipe is courtesy of the gardener at the governor-general's gardens in ottawa - he's got a monday 1 pm radio-show on CBC). we usually use only about half the amount of epsom salt but repeat the treatment about 10 days later. make a not on your gardening calendar. hbg