Noone speaks for me but me. In this entire discourse I have not called anyone names.
What I did do was engage among others (finn included) that Gandolfini had (IMHO) presented himself as a single character throughout his career. He was Tony Soprano in the many roles I saw him portray. he was given Emmies out the bum for his interpretation of Tony Soprano. We all stipulated to that point. However, as an artist his other roles were unstisfying to me. I especially didn't like his role as "Tiny" in the remake of All THE KING's MEN, the story loosely based on Huey Long. That entire version of the Penn Warren book was a dud. Sean Penn should have given his check back.
Tiny was a Louisiana Ward Heler and, as a former Luisianan, politics down there is grand theater and gandolfini just didn't pull it off.
That was the basis of the discussion and that's where Finn and I agreed.
I separated Gandolfini the artist from Gandolfini the "good citizen". Carravagio was a murderer, but his work as a painter is some of the best in Western civilization.
So there is my participation and my reflections on the subject.
I never knew that Jmes Gandolfini was a supporter of wounded veterans. That's really goes to his big heart.
However, as the artist , he clearly defined the troubled mafia don. That show , was Tony. It was sad, it was funny, Tony was an evil person , he was amoral, he was a true sociopath who felt no remorse for anyone from whom he took. The show was among the best TV dramas EVER.
However, saying that, James Gandolfini IMHO spent all his talent on the 6 years that the Sopranos rolled on HBO.,