Thanks for your trouble Raggie but "This video is currently not available" is all I could get.
Which might be a blessing because I never know what might kick me off when I see such things. It is why I could never write a book. I could start one, which is easy, and after a few pages something attracts my attention, provides me with an epiphany, and I'm thinking up names for characters for a book about that. And it's happening all the time.
That video might have got me thinking about a book about TV news reporting crews. The hotshot camera man for example. Eric Brighteyes one to mull over.
A small circle as Jane Austen advised. Overlapping with similar small circles from rival "feechewer" units.
Fanny Waterstone for the new starting clapper clapper and Mrs P. Jolly in the hamper van which follows these clusters of vampires around with supplies of the better sort. Henry Higgins for the driver of the Portaloo truck which each rival firm pays a share of after negotiations with Henry who had been charging at the door when the gig was near a pub but settled for job security in the end. Most gigs being near pubs. Such a book deriving its principle interest from the periods when nothing much is happening but also, of course, some interest in periods when something is. Set pieces. No sex. The sex comes in when periods when nothing is happening rear their ugly heads.
Then the Queen's horse wins the Ascot Gold Cup. A first ever. The Ascot Gold Cup is on the mantlepiece tonight in Buck. Pal. Right in the middle I should think. A joyous nation celebrates because anything that gives our dear Queen genuine pleasure gives most of us pleasure.
Things like Sopranos are turned out like corned beef is turned out.
"Meanwhile life goes on all around you."
I gather Mrs Gandolfini has remarked that he wasn't always easy to live with.