maxdancona wrote:
Mexicans are descended from Native Americans. The current border between US and Mexico had no meaning to the Native Americans who had been living in North America for thousands of years when it was established a mere 160 years ago.
Are you making an argument to think that many Mexicans have a lessened regard for the laws of the U.S.?
Actually, they do respect our borders, since when they come to the U.S., they do know to spend U.S. dollars, and not Mexican pesos. However, why they do not respect the border is, in my opinion, based on the failure of Mejico to have an economy to support adequately their population. So, the dirty little secret might be that the illegal immigrants are really admiring the U.S. economy with such relish that they are willing to risk their lives to become part of it.
The problem comes, again in my opinion, they want their cake and eat it too, so to speak. Meaning they want to assimilate up to the point they choose. Funny, my grandparents knew that the only residue of their earlier existence, before coming to America, was their religion (as they learned in becoming a citizen was their Constitutional right to keep). So, English was learned, children were told to do their homework, and many families, not just mine, added to the strength of the U.S. Ethnic pride was of minor importance. Being productive and functioning in the society was of major importance, as it was for so many immigrants of the late nineteenth century (and after). But we are discussing the wastefulness (my opinion) of assimilating with one foot emotionally still in the "old country."