maxdancona wrote:
The Anti-Defamation league says that the propaganda you are spreading is Neo-Nazi based hate speech. Doesn't that give you any pause? Or, are you OK with that.
Why anyone with immigrant roots would hop into bed with Neo-Nazis to justify race-based hatred toward this kid is beyond me.
I am not spreading any propaganda. I am just stating what I've read regarding how alienation from the mainstream culture will balkanize the U.S.
Everyone other than Native Americans has immigrant roots, so I do not understand your statement above. However, your fallacy is that Neo-Nazis want a white America. That is not what I am saying. I want one culture, and language in America as dominant. Not where ethnic enclaves, based on fecundity eventually make a balkanized America.
You really need to realize that your premise is false regarding the claim that anyone that does not care for the Mexican American culture superseding the American Anglo culture is spreading Neo-Nazi propaganda. That is because Neo-Nazis would take "undesirables" and send them elsewhere. I am just saying that immigrants/ethnics should assimilate, since too many cooks spoil the stew, so to speak.
You still haven't told of your ethnic heritage, so I can muse over any generalizations, considering you are so quick to make references to Jews.
Also, your references to individuals and Neo-Nazis is not an argument that has any merit, since you have not disputed whether America should have one main culture and language that people should aspire to assimilate into. For example, which culture produces more Phds.? Which culture has a bellcurve that has more average and above average scores? Which culture has individuals functioning in more professional positions? I would say that in Mexico there are many professionals; however, it appears by the images I see in the media, California right now has a huge underclass of people where many are wasting their time in ethnic pride, rather than spending the time picking themselves up from their bootstraps, as those that subscribe to the Anglo culture have done in the past (i.e., Jews, Irish, Italians, Polish, Germans, etc., etc.)