Quote:So you're havin' big fun now, ain'cha, Miss Virago . . . gone an' done was always one of my favorites . . .
I'm havin' a big time now for sure, sugah!
Gone an' done, saucered and blowedÂ… I know exactly where over yonder is, how far down the road a piece is, and how long it takes to set a spell. But "gone an' done" got me in trouble more times than I can remember.
Anyone who's ever gone an' done it as a kid knows what it means to have their legs striped and that it involves a switchin'. I know very well what it means, and having experienced it I have to say that most times it was worth the whippin' I got for it. Much to the chagrin of my mother who wielded the switch.
And now I'm fixin' to cut off the computer and go outside. It's a right pretty day out dahlin', and I don't want to miss it. (Now where in tarnation is my memosa and my wide brimmed hat?)
Virago :wink: