booman2 wrote:Pifka,
.....We're having such a fun gentlemanly debate. I'm afraid mwe all will be accused of being gentlemen. Anyhow, I want you to focus now... All I'm saying is, I thought he was correct, but learned Gentleman, voted me down. You insisted,that I should use him. Okay...I conceded.. I not only changed it, but took the you, off the table so you could see your "him" in all it's glory. So why aren't you satisfied? Please keep it simple, I am but a humble high school drop out.
Sweet Booman, I am not a gentleman. I am what you'd call a lady, perhaps, or at least a female, thank you very much.
I do applaud your efforts <clap, clap, clap>. Nothing an old pedant likes better than some confusing grammar to be worked out, but you didn't use the same constructions for your sentences so (I'm not making this up) they don't follow the same rules. That's why it doesn't matter if you take "the you off the table." You've changed from a motorcycle to a car and expect to still need the helmet.
In one case you have a straightforward Noun + Verb phrase (which requires an object) + a compound object consisting of an objective pronoun possibly performing an action.
In the other, you have two independent or main clauses, one relative to the other. <shrug> That's just the way it is.
Clauses are predicative and use real subjects or the nominative case; direct object phrases are not predicative and use the objective case.
Now I'm just feeling badly about going into so much detail... however:
First Sentence (corrected):
Quote:I would like you and him to check out my post.
You could also say: I would like him to check the post.
A complete sentence cannot be made from the noun + verb, you see? "I would like" is a sentence fragment.
In the same way, "him to check the post" is also a fragment.
Second Sentence (corrected):
Quote:"I think that he would like to check it out."...
You could also say: I think he will check out the post.
A complete sentence can be made from the noun + verb, "I think."
A complete sentence can also be made from "He will check the post."
<sigh> I think I'll go back to my game now.