smorgs wrote:me thinks you look quite fetching McTag :wink:
Well I wasn't looking for compliments but thank'ee ma'am.
Setanta wrote:Despite having added to your original response, you have not eliminated the misanthropic character of this riposte. As has been noted again and again since you began stomping all over this thread, this is as much a social venue as it is anything else. People try to be sociable with you, and in return, we get your ill-concealed sneers. I consider you not to be worth any responses in future.
If you don't read into my replies what you want to see there, then you can appreciate them in the spirit they are meant. Lighten up, Setanta.
smorgs wrote:me thinks you look quite fetching McTag :wink:
I quite agree. One of the best avatars here.
But McT, admit you stole the fetching look from Terry Pratchett
at least he has the excuse of being bald underneath.
I agree the avatars are really nice. Nice to see a photo, or an image, with the name. I tend to be a little... reserved... about adding those things, though.
One of my pet peeves -- the incorrect use of apostrophes. I was pleased and amused to find a comrade-in-arms while reading the morning's paper. David Grimes wrote this column:
To apostrophe or not to apostrophe
Quote:The Apostrophe Protection Society in England (Piffka note: Where else?) collects photos of publicly displayed misuse... for example:
Your all fool's.
Yo mama . . .
. . . what about "Yo mama," does that bother ya?
I hate all that stuff too. I enjoyed Lynn Truss's this country, our greengrocers get the worst press for their handwritten signs; "Caulie's cheap today", "New Potatoe's", and so on. Ms Truss covers this in her excellent and humorous book, of course.
It struck me that the Minnesotans had the choice of naming their street Scholar's Walk, Scholars' Walk or Scholars Walk. With a name, who knows which is best.
And in the end... they decided against an apostrophe because anything else would be going "down that ol' slippery slope."
Set... I don't mind "Yo Mama" as long as it is not directed at me. I guess if there were an apostrophe stuck in there, I wouldn't care much for it, though it would probably be correct if used this way:
You mindin' yo' Mama?
Aw shucks . . . y'all ain't no fun . . .
(Did i get the apostrophes right?)
Setanta wrote:Aw shucks . . . y'all ain't no fun . . .
(Did i get the apostrophes right?)
Did you ever notice if you say apostrophe too many times quickly, it quits making sense and the syllables slip?
When i was a wee lad, i tried that with just about every multi-syllabic word i could think of . . . it works with them all . . .

And in thinking about it a little more, I 'magine that the more multi the syllabics, the bigger the confusion.
Listening to a radio feature interview about the end of the run of Mamma Mia :
"I've seen it between 25 times plus."
Well, that sounds like a lot.
"Deju vu all over again"....ARRGGHHH!!!
Oh wow, my man, Yogi . . .
If you come to a fork in the road, take it.
If the fans don't come out to the ball park, you can't stop them.
You should always go to other people's funerals; otherwise, they won't come to yours.
and the clincher:
I didn't really say everything I said.
The problem with the most famous of the Yogisms is that fifty years after he said it, people in responsible public speaking jobs, use it like it's proper, rather than explaining to impressionable youngsters who may be listening, "I am repeating a fifty year old malaprop' don't try this at home kids", or wherever.
Good point, Boss . . . and they may themselves not even be aware that they are uttering malapropisms . . .
The word "lads" infuriates me. And "blatently", and "basically" (when overused) ... grrr.
Also, using "would of". Oh it would of, would it of? I should of known, shouldn't of I?
Have (now isn't that a good word?) probably moaned about that ^^ before on a2k, oh well, likes to make me point I does.