shepaints wrote:Thanks for the support's another.....
"Drive decent" in stead of "Drive decently"
The list of adjectives for adverbs is endless - he done good, they drive bad, BUT I don't like the new overcorrection (well comparatively new) of MOST IMPORTANTLY instead of MOST IMPORTANT. It used to be fine to say
Most important, the door will be locked at 12 tonight. Now we have to use Most importantly....
Which used to mean, in a pompous and self-important manner, as in He rose ponderously and made his way most importantly to the podium.
I've come to the conclusion I hate hypercorrection much more than just bad honest-to-goodness ignorance. I don't really mind 'Joe and me's going down the shops.' But I hate 'He told Joe and I that he was totally disinterested in politics.'
Oh and how about less and fewer? I think it's rather nice that one of our British supermarkets correctly has a lane for '9 items or fewer' but most of them go with 'less'.
There's some Easter beefs for youse!