Quote:You were wrong about this before, and you're still wrong. It's simply not an absolute, which is the way you state it.
That's not at all how I have stated it, MJ, though you have continually tried to advance this lie, along with some others. I addressed this specifically in another post where you advanced the lie that I was being prescriptive. I illustrated, in oh so an abundantly clear fashion, that people were free to use whatever form they wanted.
Quote:Words borrowed do in fact usually follow the rules of the borrowing language, but there are also numerous examples where they don't.
You shouldn't steal others [mine] ideas and pass them off as your own, MJ.
Not "usually follow the rules of the borrowing language", MJ, overwhelmingly follow the rules of the borrowing language. As I've noted and you have agreed, it's really only for Latin that this is done. Other languages don't do this, though I can't say that there aren't also ignorant pedants in those languages trying to impress people with their pseudo knowledge.
Quote:And it's not pedants who preserve them.
Who else is there besides pedants [pejorative] who try to preserve what is, by your own admission, not natural to the rules of languages?
Both you and Merry have been advancing these arguments - well, I should note that Merry the pedant took a powder waaaaay early in the game; surprise, surprise.
Quote:In this case, as someone (Roger?) noted, there are fields of study where "datum" is used for one data point.
"one data"
About 5,750,000 results
"one datum"
About 49,100 results
Of course there are and those pedants, like you and Merry, are free to continue in their snooty ignorance.
You see, MJ, all I have been saying is don't try and describe those who are following the natural rules of their language as the ignorant ones.
Merry Andrew tried to position himself as one of the educated ones, a person who was above the common rabble. All he did was make a right fool of himself, made all the worse because he was such a coward when it came to defending "his" position.
Quote:It's alive and well where it's appropriate, and so plural "data" still makes sense. That ain't "pedantry"--that's appropriate usage.
I agree. I agreed from the outset. Honest usage isn't pedantry, but what Merry Andrew [aka Lustig Andrei; and those of his ilk] have tried to present is pedantry, in the most pejorative sense of the word.
You too, were being a pedant, in the highly pejorative sense of the word, but you seem to be coming to your senses.
Quote:Who the ****, other than JTT, cares.
As if that shouldn't be abundantly clear to you by now, Jack. People who rightly object to ignorant assholes maligning those who are in no way ignorant.
Quote: I'll accede to the curmudgeonly Setanta, he's right, we had nothing to do with geek or nerd humor.
You could search long and hard before you would find one who could match Setanta for pedantry.
You reminded me of Region's geek/nerd posting in Post: # 5,208,856.
But even here, you're off the mark, Jack. Being exceedingly knowledgeable about a particular topic is the very mark of a geek/nerd. Granted, this discussion has had its poseurs, Merry for example, even you, but at least you were in there pitchin'.