This thread has lost its combative style, I am glad to note, unlike the 'Try hard' thread.
Testosterone waxeth and waneth, perhaps according to the moon, perhaps because of solar flares.
I know the fault is not in the stars.
Where's this combative style. I like a bit of combat but the Try hard thread is about as combative as two powder puffs in the bottom drawer compared to the ID thread.
And that's despite "Try hard" meaning combative.
One of my pet peeves is when people make ridiculous assertions in order to try to win points and then don't back them up. But ladies do it all the time and if they can slip in some derogatory snotty sexual allusion they often do so I suppose that's just a fact of life. It's probably to do with some frustration or other.
Combative is a relative word. Gladitorials and helping to protect the oil supplies is at one end of the scale and the powder puffs are at the other.
spendiaQuote:One of my pet peeves is when people make ridiculous assertions in order to try to win points and then don't back them up. But ladies do it all the time and if they can slip in some derogatory snotty sexual allusion they often do so I suppose that's just a fact of life. It's probably to do with some frustration or other
Talk about a ridiculous assertion.
No1- the 'Try hard' thread is not even slightly combative. It was a mere exchange of polite views.
No2- Testosterone and the "monthlies" were brought in with hints of mid-life crises. (snicker snicker).
Both in the two previous posts.
The point is backed up goodstyle.
Of course, as fm uses the technique all the time, he probably didn't notice it.
I'm not sure whether we're dealing with a case of Venus Envy or Penis Envy.
Why would anyone envy Venus ? ! ? ! ?
What nonsense. If Venus were to want to post here, would she type with her nose?
yeah let her do the nasal typing thing. She's 'armless enough.
I understand that even raddled goddesses have minions for typing chores.
Steve 41oo wrote:yeah let her do the nasal typing thing. She's 'armless enough.
That was just appalling . . .
. . . i salute you . . .
Noddy wrote-
Quote:I understand that even raddled goddesses have minions for typing chores.
Oh--that's just the introduction.
Minions have to begin somewhere.
Typing chores is so nearly an anagram of terpsychorean.
Heard on the BBC this morning, from James Naughtie of all people, "least worst scenario".
You hear that quite a lot, too. WTF?
We have bad, worse and worst.
Surely it should be "least bad"? Even if he said "least worse" it wouldn't be much better, in my view.
What do others think?
I've no objection to "least worst scenario". I think it conveys the meaning he is intending efficiently.
"We have bad, worse and worst. "
and worsted. Its suitable for a Scotsman.
Of course least bad is right. Least worst sounds laughable, and I am sure Naughtie didn't want that to happen.
Least unfortunate.
"Least worst" sounds like a grade school kid who doesn't want to tax his brain with writing long words.
Clary wrote-
Quote:Of course least bad is right. Least worst sounds laughable, and I am sure Naughtie didn't want that to happen.
It might have been a joke Clary. Not in very good taste I'll admit but I can see how I might have chosen it if I were Mr Naughtie.