Here's something from Mike Quinion's WorldWideWords service, a mailing I subscribe to, which might be of interest. Comments welcome.
Topical Words:
Do you put an initial capital letter on "Internet", or the related
words "Net" and "Web"? This may seem a fussy, not to say pedantic,
question. But it's one that copy editors and those charged with
creating the house styles for publishing firms must wrestle with in
order to create text that looks consistent, avoids annoying or
confusing readers, and quietly states that it forms part of a
unified publication, whoever wrote the words.
This came into the news this week because Wired magazine, the house
magazine of Net geeks, publicised a change of policy (see From now on, it says, all three words
will be written in lower case. "Why?", writes Tony Long, the copy
chief. "The simple answer is because there is no earthly reason to
capitalize any of these words. Actually, there never was."
Hm. There are arguments for following the magazine's lead, as we
shall see, but Tony Long's comment ignores the historical evidence.
The Internet was originally, in the late 1960s, a US Department of
Defense project called ARPAnet (after the Department's Advanced
Research Projects Agency). It was designed to permit its academic
researchers to talk to each other more effectively by linking their
individual computer networks. So it was an "inter-network", or
"internet". The latter word, in lower-case, seems to have been
first used in 1974, in a standards document written by Vint Cerf;
references to it in memoranda and technical specifications in the
following years were also usually lower case. The first example in
the Oxford English Dictionary's entry with an initial capital
letter is from the magazine Network World in 1986, though by then
it had become common in standards documents, too. Virtually all
publications adopted this style into and through the 1990s.
The reasoning behind capitalising it was that there was just one
entity that was called by this title, that it was a specific thing
with a proper name, and that by the usual rules that name ought to
be capitalised. In the USA, an initial capital is still the norm
and is recommended in style guides. But we've begun to see a shift
away from the use of an initial capital letter in all three words,
especially in the UK, where the Daily Telegraph, the Independent,
the Guardian, and the New Scientist have all lower-cased "Internet"
for several years.
The reason is hinted at in Tony Long's piece: in public perception
the Internet has changed from a device to a process. It's becoming
regarded as a communications medium and most people don't think of
themselves as Internet users. Instead, their mental focus is on
what they're doing - they're getting information, sending e-mails
to their friends, or downloading music - in just the same way that
they think of the telephone. You don't call it "The Telephone", you
regard it as a generalised mechanism with which to get in touch
with a friend or order a pizza. And just as we don't capitalise the
words for media such as "television", "radio", "mail", "telephone",
or "newspaper", why should we capitalise "Internet"? The change,
though minor in itself, is a cultural marker for a shift in public
perception and a further sign that the Internet is becoming a
mature medium. I've no doubt myself that the lower-case forms will
eventually prevail.
So what do I do now? My personal house style says the words should
have initial caps. As with everybody else in the business of words,
the decision by Wired magazine is another indication that at some
point I may have to rethink.
World Wide Words is copyright (c) Michael Quinion 2004. All rights
reserved. The Words Web site is at <>.