Clary wrote:I have faith - trust - in humanity, in life, in many things, but I have no religion (<religio = I bind). Appropriation of this word by the religious lobby is like the narrowing in use of gay by the homosexual community. It devalues, narrows, the meaning of a good and useful word.
It seems puzzling, Clary, to suggest that when a new meaning for a word is added to English, it "narrows".
Have you ever looked at 'get'? How many entries are there in a decent dictionary for that word? New 'get' meanings are added, not infrequently and I've never seen nor felt that any of the other meanings are in any way compromised.
Etymology ain't my bag [hey, stop using 'bag' like that

] but it seems 'gay' has a longer history than many imagine, moi included.