Quote:I am not into rational thinking anymore than I need to. I am not a scientist and use other ways. If you had no rancor against science and scientists, you wouldn't talk of them this way. For there are many shades and hues of scientists. Making wholesale generalisations against any group reeks of rancor.
But that is just your interpretation protecting you from the whole idea that it might be right. I am not saying these things from rancor as I have previous stated. I am stating this as a
fact. It really is the way the schooling systems ( and hence universities) work). You just don't get that, or don't want to,
Don't believe me on my word, I never asked that. Do your research!
Quote:the key is to see that schooling is dumbing everyone down, and because the 'scientists' have a longer 'schooling' they are the dumbest.
You said you took math and physics at university. Was this your experience, e.g. that those around you could not think straight? Profs, students, etc... Or is this condemnation of education based on something else?
Most people indeed didn't think straight, except for one other guy.
You see, they are not thinking at all! They believe their professor and their books and they start
memorising , not thinking!
yes, they now how to make their mathematical sums, they just repeat what they have learned.
But at that time I didn't know the real purpose of 'schooling' and went along, but I felt there was something very wrong.It was too mechanic, too dull, too a creative!,. So, No, I haven't based my idea of schooling on that, but later I could see it was a piece of the puzzle.
Now , it is extremely clear to me that schooling is used, from the start and all the way up to University to dumb people down.
The 'government' won't like creative vibrant, healthy , independent, non-conformingh citicizens. Dumbing down by education is one of the ways to weaken the population. They use other ways as well. You see, they rather have 'slaves' So, a lot of things that are VERY important to you, you don't get to learn at school.
Quote:Still haven't seen you pointing at a circular argument in science...
I reallly think you won't get it! But it is very easy. Pick any Physics book and look for it! They are full of it!