neologist wrote:
Uh, CI, the Hebrew word yom had more that one meaning, just as our word day can mean a 24 hour period, a daylight period, or an indefinite time, as in the expression "my grandfather's day". Look again at Genesis 2:4 and see how it lumps the first six days into one, thereby making it obvious that an indefinite time was meant.
7000 years is not analogous to seven days because in each millennium there has been no light and dark/night and day times to represent day and night.
At the dawn of this new millennium the greatest super power on earth has been in the longest protracted war of our time.
Yet wars no more violent and uncivilized than those fought even before Adam's supposed time.
Any super computer would require that time be more quantized than the average processor user.
I was also cautioned in my biblical studies to not take apparent figures of speech and apply them globally across other literal biblical stories unless there was some evident scriptural precedent in doing so.
Like the 7th Day Adventists did, they took a bunch of arbitrary unrelated biblical dates added them all up and proclaimed the ending time...
We all now how that turned out.
The massive city ruins of Gobekli Tepe are 6000 years older than Stonehenge...
How does that great city figure into your thesis Neo?
Was God not aware of these people, or is anything that disproves your biblical concepts a straw man?
Noah's flood versus scientific evidence = straw man
Spherical Earth = straw man
Billions of years old earth = straw man
female came before man = straw man
(DNA clearly shows the Y chromosome is a mutation of X)
Sickness is caused by biological chemistry = straw man
(every one knows demons cause sickness) cynical
Gay people are born that way = straw man
(once again demons sent from the devil) cynical
get my drift Neo?
At some point you need to become forthright about the gaping impurities in this book.
Then its absolute and divine revelation becomes no more perfect a than any other book that claims to be the "sole and only rule for faith and practice".
Psalm 12:6
The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.
Comment: Really?