Jesus is just pointing out that celibacy is an option that is just as respectable as marriage.
Jesus' focus was on the spiritual not the sexual and he did say Angels have no sex.
There is confusion between paradise and heaven.
Who goes to paradise and who goes to heaven?
Paradise is a place of laws... Heaven is a place of grace.
This is a much more complicated thing that many people make errant assumptions based upon compounded misconceptions.
Question, are you going to heaven or paradise and why?
Heaven is a homogeneous place. I guess that is why God doesn't have a wife. But Jesus gets to have a bride (well sort of).
And just because God no longer requires slaves (so some say) that somehow absolves this very God of all past wrong doing?
So is the actual wrong doing on God's part or is God blaming the devil for masquerading as him and causing spiritually blind people to follow in an untoward way?
So when the Bible said. "I THE LORD YOUR GOD command so and such", BUT it was actually the devil, and the prophets and people believed it was God telling them slaves were okay? When God caused the flood it was actually the devil that caused it to rain 40 days and 40 nights? What was this "creature" God of the old testament? The God of this world?
Or... did God simply change and say nope, I no longer need the slaves, let them go!?
An answer to which of these question is required. One way God's integrity is in question and the other the legitimacy of the written laws and scriptures are in doubt.
Either way there is egregious fault, racism, sexism, homophobia, genocide, mutilations and mob brutality, these cast either the scriptures or the God of the scriptures and/or both into a bad, err, 'light'.
A truly moral person rejects books of such atrocity.