farmerman wrote: The primary definition of adore is to"Hold in highest esteem, love, or honor".
So you adore the non-existence of God (for that is exactly what atheism means). Why did you hop off from the other thread, BTW.
farmerman wrote: You have no idea about what either Mr Apisa and I are capable of adoring.
I can imagine - petrol wells, gas deposits, shares at the stock exchange, crypto-currencies ... and in the general case money & power ... things like that I suppose.
farmerman wrote: ... to a supernatural creature, the entire existence of whom is without any evidence .
The things 'just happening' (due to the laws of physics and chemistry only) is also without any evidence ... that life is just happening on chemistry on autopilot.
Nowhere you have proven that life is only chemistry of biopolimers and nothing else.
Not to say that you even don't know whether the laws of physics and chemistry are one and the same in the various parts of the universe.
Suppose the chemical elements on the other side of the universe have some different elementary particles ... and why not even different in number. Can you claim that the laws of physics and chemistry will be the same ... as we know them?
farmerman wrote: ... there appears that much evidence exists which counters such a being's being.
Fine, and where does your own intelligence come from (upon birth) and where does it go after death ... if much evidence exists which counters the existence of ID? You are not going to deny the existence of our own ID, I suppose ... but it isn't sure.