Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 11:14 am
@Frank Apisa,
God is absolutely fair! Judgement Day is the day he's going to throw out the human trash (murderers, thieves, peedos, liars, con men, religious cultists, terrorists, godless commies, heathen savages, corrupt politicians etc) and i got no beef with that at all..Smile
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 11:19 am
RexRed wrote: If I did not believe God was forgiving and charitable I would not feel right with myself...
Many years ago I had to reconcile what God meant to me before I could in good conscience try and preach the nature and essence about this God to others.
Sometimes we preach the goodness of God to others and people see this through their own interpretation that changes this God to suit their way of perceiving justice and liberty.
They say that being evil is justified by the ends and they attribute this evil with God, saying, God permits me to be evil because evil was done to me.
People get to the point of using God to justify their endgame. 
They say, "You stole my land so (God and) I will steal it back..." 
Any thoughts on this?

Anon wrote: My thoughts. As I sit here and think to myself. Please do excuse my inappropriate language. I don't know why the hell you're throwing god into it. God. If there is a god. He is there. Sitting in a thing called heaven if there is a heaven looking down?, or is here on earth watching each, every one of us. I don't know. I can't.. what. I don't understand. God. I sitting here thinking to myself there must be a creator, right? You know, I don't know. This whole life cycle could had began with weather for all I know. for all we know. Yeah I kind of think that.
The god, gods, goddesses. Think about it. Envision what you've seen, think about what you've heard of god, gods, goddesses throw angels in there along with the devil/satan looking guy. First thing after doing so I think; fairytales. Fictional. Fairytales. Proof. We need proof don't we. But we do have proof being books, pictures, whatever else there is. I don't know. Maybe things have came close to proof. Proof of a god, gods, etc etc.
But then think about this. Can you write a book giving/explaining every detail in/about your life? I honestly don't think so. I know I damn can't. I can give you bits and pieces. Here and there. All of us are different. There are millions of view points upon this earth. As I think to myself what am I getting at.
I keep thinking about the weather. I'm feeling like I'm crazy. But it's (just) how I feel.
That's how I feel about it. all.

I think we need to get the fairytales out of our heads and think about the weather. How it is strange we came from such. The weather. One day the earth was finally livable. One day all of the planets lined up. One day a star fell, a shooting star?. One day my great grandmother was born. One day my great grandmother died. One day someone walked on the moon. One day someone visited Mars, aren't there robots placed there by NASA?. One day a machine device was placed in space that had/has the ability to take pictures of our homes, etc. One day it rained. One day the earth became livable. Etc.
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 11:22 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini. You are dumb. I want to tell you to shut the **** up. But I know you wouldn't listen. So I tell you in my head to shut the **** up. with your nonsense bullshit.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 11:30 am
Anonymously said: I'm feeling like I'm crazy..

Better join the jehovah's witnesses or mormons or some other oddball cult mate, you'll fit in nicely..Smile
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 11:50 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Neologist and I get along just fine.
0 Replies
Calamity Dal
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 11:52 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
I have listened to you talk about your god for a long time now Mick. Your version of your god makes no logical sense whatsoever. you cherry pick your beliefs, ignore the bits that you don't like, you water down the message in your bible. You're as bad as any other crackpot religions if not worse.

If your god was everything you claim, the JW's you so despise would be in your heaven, you would then have to come to peace with them.

I am starting to realise why you don't fit into a church of any kind. You are nothing like your christ.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 12:19 pm
I honestly don't think anyone should do anything when comes to religion. We all have our own beliefs. Different view points.

You are who you are. It is probably crazy as hell I thinking we came from weather. But I'm me. You're you.

You're a ******* nut case I've told myself. ((I'm serious.))

I've never really actually sat down and discussed my thoughts, my beliefs with anyone throughout my life because I felt they would only think of me as crazy. I've never in my life wanted to believe I was, I am crazy. Now I understand. It's not anyone's fault. I was the one who never opened up to anyone. Now all of you know. Know.
All. everything about me.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 01:31 pm
Calamity said: If your god was everything you claim, the JW's you so despise would be in your heaven, you would then have to come to peace with them.

You sound like a closet JW to me mate, the way you're always defending them..Smile
And like I've said before I don't despise them or any other cult, it's just their wacky beliefs I don't like.
Anyway JW's don't believe in the Christian Heaven, they think it's going to be on this material earth. Personally I don't want to stay on earth when I'm dead, so that means there's no way me and JW's will meet in an afterlife..Smile
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 01:42 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:

Anonymously said: I'm feeling like I'm crazy..

Better join the jehovah's witnesses or mormons or some other oddball cult mate, you'll fit in nicely..Smile

In many respects...Christianity IS an oddball cult, Romeo.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 02:14 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini. If I am a closet JW, then you are a closet FAG.

That being stated. I, man, to man. Am not interested. Simply because, I'm no FAG.

Not my intent to disappoint you.

I agree with Frank Apisa.
Calamity Dal
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 03:37 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
By YOUR logic Mick. YOU state that your god has ONE test and ONE TEST ONLY. they pass that test with flying colours. SO he has more than one test? Backtrack much? preach what suits you mate. You don't have to know what the prize is to win a contest.

you have spent best part of the last month posting bias heavy propaganda you've sought out on the internets to try and discredit them within this community. Everything you post only serves to prove you know **** about them other than what you read in the tabloids. I will continue to defend them as long as confidence men like you try to claim you have the "inside track" on them. I have spent enough time with JWs to know a lot more than you clearly don't

JWs are a people I have a great respect for. They may not be right about everything, but they are dedicated to what they believe, they don't make it up on the spot or compromise just because their understanding makes them unpopular and they make sense of what they believe, they don't go down your bullshit "logic is evil" approach that is no different from the churches you claim you left. Closet JW? If I took up a religion, Id sooner get answers from Neo's lot than you.

And for your information they are a registered charity and a recognised religion.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 04:01 pm
I hope it is understood that I was not referring to JWs as FAGs. I have no problem with JWs.

I've nothing against them.

This Romeo Fabulini character has it out for me. As in he likes to try my patience whether it is his intent or not.

I get aggravated easily with this internet thing because it's in my head. As in I have to actually think about things while on the internet. Me thinking to myself I'm not too sure I'm making any sense.
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 04:04 pm
I believe this Romeo Fabulini has claimed Christian once or so.

No wonder he has it out for me.

I refuse to turn into a hypnotized living zombie. as he. and possible others.

That being said with no offense.
Calamity Dal
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 04:14 pm
I get aggravated easily with this internet thing

me too bud, me too.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 05:35 pm
Couple minutes ago for the first time I attempted reading the post for this thread. First paragraph?, I had to stop. Put my head in my hand. Thinking to myself, what the hell. He's, this guy who started this thread has got to be the biggest dork I've came across.

I'll have to come back to this later. As I think to myself I need to put my phone down.
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 06:37 pm
Last night I heard the best argument supplanting the idea that God does not exist.
Before I go into that let's set the parameters of what God would have to be to exist.
God would have to meet "at least" four main requirements. 
1) God would have to be all knowing or omniscient. Most religious people think they know it all but God would actually have to KNOW IT ALL... This requires a brain much larger than the universe itself. Maybe the universe is God's brain. Consider though, an all knowing God would not produce holy books full of gaping errors in science and morality.

((Anon wrote: I don't know why you care.))

2) God would have to be all powerful or omnipotent. Although the universe has many forms of energy, the energy of God would have to be greater than all the energy in the universe and any other subsequent or parallel universes.

((Anon wrote: So what are you saying.)) 

3) God would have to be everywhere present or omnipresent. So God would have to be both in hell and heaven, permeate all creation and exist also outside of creation.

((Anon wrote: what are you getting at.))

4) God would have to be un-created, meaning, God did not evolve over an infinite number of years but simply is and always has been. Thus God cannot be an alien because an alien would have evolved from creation rather than be the catalyst for creation.

((Anon wrote: why would you state as stated.))

The crux of this discussion hinges on this one main point, "complexity"...

Do complex things i.e. God, simply exist or do they need to evolve over time and be designed by say the earth, moon and sun or other natural forces?

((Anon wrote: it all started with a spec in the universe, separated/divided with time. multiplying. with time.))

Humans are not the only designers, nature has the ability to design and nature requires no God to do so. Most of science (physicists, chemists and biologists) adheres to the latter that complexity slowly and gradually over time develops from the more simplistic elements. The universe sprang out of quantum nothingness, chemistry sprang out of simple hydrogen burners (suns) going supernova and life sprung out of this chemistry and plasma emitted by exploding stars.
If there are scientific answers for the formation of the universe, chemistry and how life came into existence, then, where exactly does an omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent God fit in? What would be the purpose of such a God considering the universe did not need such a being to come into existence?
The question would be how did such a God like this proposed by theists and religion have ever come to be in the first place? What is the rationale for a God that was never created? It would seem if God was never created, then, under the same logic, God does not exist...
And if God created us in an image similar to their own then would that not make God also a form that was once born, evolved and grew from adolescence to adulthood? Do we not constantly change form over the course of our lives?
If God is all powerful why create a world that evidently evolved from the simplistic to the complex? Why wait billions of years for humans to evolve, why not simply wish fully evolved creatures into being?
It seems the God question is full of contradiction and holes in logic. Could this be the nature of God to defy all logic, where the only thing that defies logic is that which creates? Is the nature of God absurdity? How can we be in the same image where we are extorted to be creatures of reason and logic but the thing which we are a mirror image of is illogical?
It seems evident that either the biblical parameters of God are flawed or the idea of God impossible. At the very heart of the God dilemma is the supernatural, thus science would have no validity under such conditions. If God is superstitiously tipping the scales then the measurement of all matter both physical and metaphysical could never be verified by repetition and analysis. If this were the case then the constants of the universe would collapse due instability and light would not be constrained by physical characteristics. This would be like having a yardstick that its bars of measurement constantly change. This is not the world we live in. Though physicists talk of time bending and light popping in and out of reality there are still natural phenomenon to explain these bends and ebbs in the fabric of the universe.
This discussion seeks to clarify both religious and scientific arguments for and against the existence of God.
I might add that, just because people choose to act out under the auspices of some imaginary God, that does not make this God real... Due to the radical and contradictory dogma of the religions it does provide many rational arguments against the existence of said God(s).

((Anon wrote: listen young man. I'm not sure why you're making a big deal about this. I don't think anyone ((honestly)) cares. I know I don't. Reason I've read and am now posting is because I hit it. The thread. By accident. Was for some reason I believe. But because I was following a friend. 

I wish you well on your anger problems.))
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 07:23 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
Romeo Fabulini wrote:
Anyway JW's don't believe in the Christian Heaven,
Though you have been told many times that is not true, you continue to spew your own interpretation. You just don't like the idea that most people will be on earth and the few who are in heaven will actually have a job. Revelation 5:10
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 07:30 pm
anonymously99stwin wrote:
. . his guy who started this thread has got to be the biggest dork I've came across.
I've known Rex for a long time. I find him to be an exceedingly sensitive and creative individual. He has had to twist his understanding of God's nature in order to justify his bias. But, heck, nearly everyone on this board does the same thing.
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 08:00 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2014 08:02 pm
You make me feel bad neologist.

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