@Romeo Fabulini,
Quote:He might even be the very space-time matter of the universe itself, in which are embedded the stars and planets.
For what it's worth Romeo (not very much hereabout), the apodictical existential pantheist supports that position most wholeheartedly
Quote:... might actually be the Law of the Universe, and if we break that law by bad thoughts or deeds, our misdemeanours automatically trigger a "disruption" in the fabric of the universe such as earthquakes, hurricanes…...etc.
This view we can't support. Clearly She is the way She is because She can't be any other way. She can't do the impossible because obviously the impossible can't be done. If we're going to have a Universe we're going to have difficulties as an inevitability
Quote:..., as we can never fathom the nature of God while we're in the material universe-
Disagree. Conceded we can only dance around the basic principle, difficult to express in today's language; but eventually as its abstract/concrete nature becomes more evident Romeo we'll be able to discuss it more intelligently