It's an absolute imperative Rex that gas prices in the US are 1/4 what they are in Europe. It doesn't matter how it is done.
Although it is getting confusing it seems to me. The US, Iran and Syria in an alliance to fight ISIS and its Saudi backers.
Why are you exploiting all those deaths in order to smooth your anti-Christian stance. There are less despicable methods you ought to know.
Are you suggesting that if there had been no deaths in Iraq you would be a Christian.
What's up with attacking the anti-pleasure stance of Christianity because it creates neuroses? Every sodding thing it condemns is good fun isn't it? The Gregorian chants are grounded in abject misery. The solemnity is oppressive.
You don't give a **** about the deaths.
If you want to see some pre-Christian exercises in deaths try reading Gibbon and then explain how we got to here without Christianity. And we are here and they were there. And it wasn't like a makeover in a ladies beauty salon.
The Jihadists must take great comfort to see the religion of the West mocked and ridiculed and undermined. They have a Bible too.
I wonder what a world of atheists would fight about. Oil I suppose. Same as GWB; as you said.