Quote:Neologist asked: What sort of 'christianity' was brought to the Northwest?
Hey, Romeo. Do you suppose God will grant victory over China and Russia?
Or do you suppose the kingdom mentioned by Daniel in ch 2, vs 44 will do the job? And will you support it?
There are Christian communities in China and Russia and just about every country in the world so it's going pretty well..

As for the Christianity that was brought to the NW, it was good old ENGLISH Christianity! (Not surprising because God himself is probably an Englishman)
And you can also thank us for giving you the English language or Americans would still be living in wigwams and talking Apache..
Some heathen redskin tribes used to sling their old and infirm members out to die in the snow (top pic), but gallant English gentleman Richard Harris tells an old indian woman "Don't worry luv, I'll be a son to you and look after you. Now what would you like for dinner, some nice fish and chips with a sausage in batter and pickled onion?"