Herald wrote:
RexRed wrote: I have been studying Buddhism today (youtube videos).
I perceive that Buddhism seem obsessed with death and dark intellectual symbolism. What a disappointment.
1. Watching youtube videos (without even being pre-selected in advance) could hardly be called 'studying' ... for it is rather acquainting with the problematics.
2. RE: I perceive that Buddhism seem obsessed
This is another culture, another understanding of the world ... actually it is another world. To make assessment on the grounds of cross-cultural misunderstandings is not only undesirable but it might be inadvisable as well.
3. RE: obsessed with death and dark intellectual symbolism
It is another view of the things. There are two types of fatalists for example: the first type don't dare to mention some possible hapless event to avoid provoking the destiny; the second type are talking all the time about the possible hapless event in order to deprive it from the possibility of happening. It is different logic and different approach to life ... based on different understanding of the world.
I am ordained Christian clergy so I have been to the rodeo more than once.

If you call the Discovery Channel (via youtube) and the very words of India's highest caste monks and also the Dalai Lama's very own words in these youtube videos a cross cultural misunderstanding then who would you suggest really knows about Buddhism?
I agree it is different but it is also the same considering the similarities between Jesus and Buddha.
I see only very slight differences between a Buddhist's quest for enlightenment in the Atman and the gnostic Christians quest for eternal life in God.
There is the Christian's prayers and the Buddhist's chants, Jesus's nonviolent stand against the Romans/Jews and Buddha's endorsement of non violence.
Then there is Enoch's dark symbolism in a burning hell that is often said by many Christians to not exist to the dark symbolism of the Buddhist book of the dead.
Book of the dead? ...and no obsession with death? I guess an obsession with death is better than an obsession with causing death.
It is really hard to draw differences in the midst of so many glaring similarities.
At least Buddha is not claiming his words are straight from the infallible revelation from God and angels as the prophets of the Abrahamic religions have done. It seem Buddha claimed to be human not God incarnate. Or, do the Buddhists also make such claims of a perfect word via Buddha?
I just wonder how much of Buddha's original plan was corrupted by pagans as was the Christian doctrines at the council of Nicene under the direction of the pagan Roman emperor Constantine...