Quote:BIll speaking up for the right to import child pornography and terrorist training manuals into foreign countries?
I did not know that CP is legal in the US!!!!!!!! If memory serve me correctly the punishments for having such materials is far far far more in the US then in the UK.
Yes, however I am talking about having copies of inspire magazine as I find trying to understand their thinking interesting even if the UK government does not trust it own citizens to look at such material and in the same light the racist book the Turner Diary for example.
As far as such material being training manuals there are US army manuals that give far far better details on such matters as IED designs that anyone can order or download. In fact I found the so call instructions in inspire magazine to be on the simple minded side and not containing any information that could not be found in a millions other places dating back many decades.
Hmm perhaps in the UK having US training manuals of that nature will get you thrown in prison also!!!!!!!!! How about the autobiography of a Miami bomb squad guy should I removed that before visiting your slave island?
Knowledge alone is not evil or call for prison terms when it come to a free people. Hell nether does interest and research into the thinking of terrorists groups call for prison terms.
Uk citizens are not free as their government claimed the right to control what they can read and therefore hopefully what they can think.
PS given the tubes/bus bombings in London your methods do not seem to work any better then our freedom of information society so what are you gaining beside chains by granting the government the right to punished you for reading forbidden materials?