and I thought nuclear war was bad
I guess Paul would have found some other pretext for his church.
Well, what else? The catholic church.
JLN: the Catholic Church! I thought that the founder of it was Peter - at least, that's what the Catholic Church believes.
Bib. Paul and Luke, seventy years after Christ's death, formed, with the "epistles of Paul," Christianity as a Church. Peter is part of its origin mythology. Luke, who never met Jesus, formed the notion of the holy communion--the last Passover meal presented as the Last Supper which supposedly gave birth to the catholic ritual cannibalism of Christ. Now I recall this from past readings. My recollection is shaky (and my interest is zero) and I do not want to look it up again. So don't question me further on the subject...PLEASE!!!
the last supper, is that where jesus asked for separate checks?
JLN: you said, "...Christianity as a Church. Peter is part of its origin mythology."
Hmmm...I guess we'll never know what you meant by that, since you're not prepared to answer further questions.
Here is a recap of the main questions and comments that I've raised in this topic:
1. What would the World be like if JESUS had never been Born?
2. If these monothiestic belief-systems had never existed, then what do YOU think would be the predominant Religion of today?
3. Christianity has been blamed for many things, as has Jesus Christ, but the REAL truth is that it is the failings and abuses of INDIVIDUALS wrongly calling themselves, and their actions, Christian, which has caused so much of the atrocities throughout history.
4. If the actions, thoughts and beliefs of Humanity can be what ever anyone wants, then who is to say, or decide, what any of us do is right, moral, or just?
5. Would the World be any different if the birth of Christ wasn't celebrated in December?
6. What was Joseph's reaction when Mary told him she was pregnant by God?
7. How did Mary feel, knowing that her betrothed husband, Joseph, was "minded to put her away?"
8. Why do some A2K members believe that Jesus was only a man?
Feel free to comment further on any of these points.
this thread has run its course far beyond reason and its continuation is only likely to result in flaming tempers.
2. Islam
3. With or without christianity, there would be little difference in the
failings of individuals.
4. Laws are created to bring some simblance of order in society.
5. We won't have Christmas. That would be a shame.
6. "You what?"
8. They believe in the bible.
I don't care if it is your last supper, no ID, no wine . . .
Look Buddy, you could tap-dance on the water for all i care, but if you don't lose the sandals and wash yer feet, you ain't gettin' inta the pool . . .
He's gonna have to do more than wash his feet. He's been bathless for most of his life - galavanting all over Israel, Egypt, and where-ever. c.i.
BTW, a thought ran through my mind as I finished typing my last post. Maybe the baptism was invented, so everybody will have one bath during their life time.
Setanta - least'n you are not saying "BOSS"
You know back in the old days those Christians went for a higher price than nonChristians.
Faith, Hope and Charity!
Peace on Earth and Goodwill Toward All Mankind!
Happy New Year All!