Bibliophile the BibleGuru wrote:I had asked you previously, in the interests of fairness etc, to post on this thread the actual Josephus text which you say has not been "tampered with by christians." You said that "I've already done so," however, I couldn't find it. You then stated, "I did that, already, don't you read what i write." Again I couldn't find the qoute, so you directed me to a URL on one of your earlier posts, which I have since read and noted the following closing remark at the end of the "New Information" section:
Yes, i was imprecise in what i wrote. The text to which i referred was the one you had posted before i wrote my comment. That is the text to which i referred, but i also said in my last post that i cannot offer you a text which has not been tampered with, because i know of no such text being in existance--once again, please read what i write carefully. We've both misunderstood each othere here, i was posting a refutation of the passage from Josephus which you had posted.
Quote:"For the first time, it has become possible to prove that the Jesus account cannot have been a complete forgery and even to identify which parts were written by Josephus and which were added by a later interpolator."
I saw this as well, but did not include it, because it referred to a URL which DID NOT take me to the promised text. With some more work on-line, it might be possible to find that text. However, please note both the text of this statment: ". . . which parts were written by Josephus and which were added by a later interpolator." This is why the reading of historigraphical source materials is so crucial. That "new information" does not claim that the Josephus text proves that the Jesus text is not a forgery, rather that it is not a complete forgery. It also refers to sections of the text as having been added by a later interpolator. This gives no information that states or even suggests that Josephus was actually confirming the existence of Jesus. Once again, there would have been no reason for Josephus to have used the name Jesus to describe Joshuah, or, to be more precise, the Rabbi Yeshua. If you want to continue this nonsense, then you go find that text, and if you do, provide a URL which, without quibble, and in clear language states that any portion of any text by Josephus states that Jesus existed--and i might be willing to believe it, if there is nothing suspect about the author of this information. You've yet to provide any citations, other than to say that you have a copy of Josephus in front of you. Since you haven't provided any information about the publisher, the editor, or the sources used in that copy of yours, i have no reason to trust it any more than i do any other interpolation of Josephus which anyone has attempted to foist off on me in lo these many years of dealing with those who are not satisfied with their own beliefs, but must insist that others believe, without providing adequate evidence.