What would the World be like if JESUS had never been Born?

Reply Mon 31 May, 2004 11:54 am
Religion , Mans creation.
Jesus .. born.... hmmmmm....... Who saw this ? I dont see ANYONE on this earth who is old enough to honestly say ...." yeah I was there.. hell i cut his cord" Rolling Eyes Given the fact that noone on this earth NOW was alive THEN .. why do people insist that it really happened? Why do people remain so insecure in thier religions that they can not accept the fact that noone really KNOWS anything. If you didnt see it , participate in it or touch it , you have NO proof it happened. Correct? I think so . And.. who wrote the bible? HAHAH! Man. People. Humans. Humans all have thier own opinions and ideas and translations. Nothing is ever handed down word for word. Never. Not in a million years. Dont belive that? Look into the catholic church . Ya know that they are editing the bible to include Mary's life? Right now?! Shocked Hmm... catholic church isnt god.. but yet, they are writting the bible as we speak. You still think the bible was written by jesus? You still think jesus was "born"? Who wrote THAT inturpurtation? So what would the world be like if jesus wasnt born? What about.. what would the world be like if we could prove he was/was not born? Then it wouldnt be a global question, it would still be a personal one.
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Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 10:14 am
Re: Religion , Mans creation.
shewolfnm wrote:
Jesus .. born.... hmmmmm....... Who saw this ? I dont see ANYONE on this earth who is old enough to honestly say ...." yeah I was there.. hell i cut his cord" Rolling Eyes Given the fact that noone on this earth NOW was alive THEN .. why do people insist that it really happened? Why do people remain so insecure in thier religions that they can not accept the fact that noone really KNOWS anything. If you didnt see it , participate in it or touch it , you have NO proof it happened. Correct? I think so . And.. who wrote the bible? HAHAH! Man. People. Humans. Humans all have thier own opinions and ideas and translations. Nothing is ever handed down word for word. Never. Not in a million years. Dont belive that? Look into the catholic church . Ya know that they are editing the bible to include Mary's life? Right now?! Shocked Hmm... catholic church isnt god.. but yet, they are writting the bible as we speak. You still think the bible was written by jesus? You still think jesus was "born"? Who wrote THAT inturpurtation? So what would the world be like if jesus wasnt born? What about.. what would the world be like if we could prove he was/was not born? Then it wouldnt be a global question, it would still be a personal one.

I love your thinking here. So while we are at it, let us discount the supposed births of George Washington, Julius Caesar, Socrates, Aristotle and a whole score of others. Hmmm, we could also discount the birth of your great-great grandfather probably. So does that mean you don't exist? Darn, and here I thought we were onto something big.
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Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 10:28 am
Hehehehe.. no. Im here and there is physical proof of that and of my lineage...... wich is my point. George washington? proof of that too. So. yet again , I ask .. where is the proof ? Are you going to say the proof is all the people on this earth? Hmm.. that would be a typical thought for a christain. Not that it is a bad one. Just not a solid one. Noone alive knows where we came from. Noone alive was there. And the physical evidence doesnt exist. That isnt a difficult thing to recognize. And it doesnt disprove or undermine someones beliefs, faith or religious purpose to admit that. In fact to admit that there is no set truth SHOULD be the smartest thing a religious person could say. Security in your own religion would allow you to say that and be comfortable with that. Sounds like your not. Sorry. Confused
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Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 10:56 am
shewolfnm wrote:
Hehehehe.. no. Im here and there is physical proof of that and of my lineage...... wich is my point. George washington? proof of that too. So. yet again , I ask .. where is the proof ? Are you going to say the proof is all the people on this earth? Hmm.. that would be a typical thought for a christain. Not that it is a bad one. Just not a solid one. Noone alive knows where we came from. Noone alive was there. And the physical evidence doesnt exist. That isnt a difficult thing to recognize. And it doesnt disprove or undermine someones beliefs, faith or religious purpose to admit that. In fact to admit that there is no set truth SHOULD be the smartest thing a religious person could say. Security in your own religion would allow you to say that and be comfortable with that. Sounds like your not. Sorry. Confused

Maybe I did not totally convey my point in a manner that would lead to understanding. Maybe we are both making the same point here, just not clicking totally. Nobody alive today could prove without using period documents that any particular person walked this earth in the past. If that is your point, then I would of course agree. I must take it by faith that Christ lived. Just as I must take it by faith that a man named Aristotle once lived. You could no more "prove" to me that Aristotle lived than I could "prove" to you that Christ is who He said He is. (At least not with any proof you would accept as valid Laughing )

Where I went wrong in my earlier post was in jumping to the conclusion that your main point of the post was that since we were not around when Christ was born, then that leads one to deduce that He did not exist.
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Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 11:59 am
No i guess we didnt understand each other. Embarrassed But yes, that is my point exactly a possibility and not saying that it definatly didnt happen. just that the main question is what would the world be like? and my train of thought was that the question would be better as a personal one if you had solid proof of jesus birth/life/death etc. Because there is the assumption and belief that he was born... I think we are living the out come of that question and we can deduce the out come of the question " if he wasnt born", maybe not on a global scale though. But personaly if you could dis/prove jesus' existance... how would that change a person? Does that make sence? I think I kept my train of thought on the same track this time. :wink:
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Reply Tue 1 Jun, 2004 04:48 pm
Faith is not dependent on anyone other than that person. I have my faith, you have yours - even stevens, let's just keep it that way - unless, I invite you in Wink
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Col Man
Reply Wed 23 Jun, 2004 10:36 pm
well if jesus had never have been born there would be no talk about jesus
someone else wouldve probably got the job
like brian in the life of brian
what he did and what we did with what he did well now thats something else
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Reply Sat 10 Jul, 2004 06:28 pm
col man

just for the sake of argument (I believe in Jesus Christ) people talk about santa clause too.

I think the question is an odd one but interesting. It's like saying what if there was no United States? What would the world be like?

Jesus real or imagined has impacted the world one way or another for a long time and it would be weird to imagine what it would be like if there was no discussion or beliefs (or wars) of Jesus Christ or God for that matter at all.

In my opinion the words attributed to Jesus has had such a positive impact on the world that it would be a worse thing if those words were never written or thought of. (can't explain what I mean too well)

However those words in red are a different thing than Christians.

(excuse my coming in here and busting out all over the place, but I have missed talking religion.)
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Col Man
Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2004 12:26 am
hi Smile
well i am not so good at arguing myself...
but i agree with what you say
i was just making the point that i reckon someone would have done the same thing as jesus sooner or later
i've seen many different christian interpretations of the bible(new testament)
my personal belief is jesus was real, that what is said to some degree happened not getting into the exact points, but i believe he was a spiritual being who could perform miracles of healing walking on water weather control etc
if he hadn't of come, the world would be a much darker place Sad
i believe these last 2000 years or more have been a spiritual dark age and i believe we are coming out of that now and that we will again start to see people with miracle powers and i am reckoning just maybe big J will show up again soon.. Wink
there are already this new generation of indigo children who are telepathic and have other psychic powers
i myself and others have had psychic experiences but i wont go into them here as they are personal and not for the ears of the skeptics amongst the a2k'ers out there Razz dont cast pearls to swine Wink
i say seek the truth and you will find your truth Wink
i say study all religions, all spiritual doctrines all science and then see the similarity in it all Wink the connections at every level Wink
i didn't think jesus had a christian religion in mind in the context of what the romans did with it and i think that he is pretty upset about lots of killing in his name Shocked
i personally am into all religions and spiritual things and regularly go to a tibetan buddhist monastery Very Happy
i believe in re-incarnation and i believe although our bodies die that we are an energy that cannot die and that we are spiritually evolving much like this life we see outside is physically evolving Smile
my god is not the god of the dead but the god of the living Wink
i have had several past life dreams and i have met people in this life who claim to have known me in other lives but like i say i am not willing to discuss such things on a2k Razz
if you want to talk about things like that then is best in a spiritual place
i go to a monastery in scotland called samyeling tibetan monastery
the website is www.samyeling.org ...i am happy to discuss there any aspect of spirituality Wink so are the lamas that are there too and its an inter-faith monastery so we get christian priests and rabbis and imams there as well Smile and baha'is and hindus and taoists...all holy men and women Wink

these are my own beliefs and i am not stating this like an absolute truth Razz

i think that in the end of the day the christian religion has done more good than bad in this world and that the words of jesus have helped many people Smile

and thats about it really

thank god for jesus Smile thats what i say Smile

sorry for the delay in the reply this topic has been redundant for a while and i just stuck my head in at the end with my flippant comment
anyway may the force be with you ...always Wink
peace and love to you
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Reply Sun 11 Jul, 2004 05:53 am
Most topics in religion and politics get redundant; I am not exactly sure why. I guess people believe what they believe and are usually not presuaded by the other side too much.

I like your attitude of stating that you are not saying what you post is absolute truth but are your beliefs. If everyone had such an attitude I bet there would be less fights on religious subjects.

I do not exactly agree with you because my religious beliefs are different than yours. I am not sure yet if this religious forum is a place to debate particular bible interpretations, so I will just leave it at that other than to clarify exactly what it is that I don't really belief but your respect your right to believe it.

I do not believe in the end of the world religious beliefs about the kingdom and Jesus reigning for a 1000 years and the rapture and all the rest.

peace to you too.
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Reply Wed 21 Jul, 2004 02:44 am
We'd all be Jewish!
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Col Man
Reply Sun 25 Jul, 2004 12:39 pm
yeah whats that poem
ah yes i remember

roses are red-ish and violets are blue-ish

and if it wasnt for jesus

we'd all be jewish

WinkSmileVery Happy
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Mr Alice Porkrind
Reply Fri 30 Jul, 2004 08:49 pm
And God would smoke big fat stogies. Good grief, the whole universe would go retail. Does this mean that the Chinese would charge us extra? All the wine sweeter than a regular Dr Pepper? The U.S. flag with 50 "Star of Davids"? Did the Japs really shout "Torah!, Torah!, Torah!"?
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Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 3 Aug, 2004 10:48 am
Thats a hue-ish-ist statement Col.

Mr Alice Porkrindperson, are you Jewish by chance?
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Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2004 10:36 pm
There have been Jesus-like icons throughout history. Whether or not a Jesus of Nazereth had been born, someone would have been "son of God".
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Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2004 09:27 am
Apmom, do you think Mithras, Bachus, or Dionysus would still be popular? They're pretty similar. In old artwork it's even hard to tell em apart.
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Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2004 08:25 pm
dauer wrote:
Apmom, do you think Mithras, Bachus, or Dionysus would still be popular? They're pretty similar. In old artwork it's even hard to tell em apart.

Probably no more or less than they are now; they were before Jesus of Nazareth. There have been others who fill the role of a direct link to the most popular god of any give time, and there probably always will be; as long as some people have the need for one.
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Reply Wed 11 Aug, 2004 08:44 pm
I'm just saying that it seems like the popularity of Christianity capitalized on the popularity of others like Bacchus -- seen below --


and Dionysus, seen below as an infant.


Several other gods are born December 25th. They're solar gods who are born, die, and are reborn. Dionysus was born in a stable, performed miracles, and got arrested for blasphemy. He was executed, then rose from the dead.

I'm just saying that if Jesus hadn't gained popularity, one of these mystery religions would have become the "it" thing to believe. I think they would have taken hold and we might have a great big Dionysian Church. The vatican was built on the remains of a temple to Mithras.

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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 12 Aug, 2004 02:04 pm
Mithras was very popular among Roman soldiers. He was born of a virgin and shared various other characteristics now ascribed to Jesus.
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Reply Fri 13 Aug, 2004 09:16 pm
I think we're saying basically the same thing.
dauer wrote:
I'm just saying that it seems like the popularity of Christianity capitalized on the popularity of others like Bacchus -- seen below --


and Dionysus, seen below as an infant.


Several other gods are born December 25th. They're solar gods who are born, die, and are reborn. Dionysus was born in a stable, performed miracles, and got arrested for blasphemy. He was executed, then rose from the dead.

I'm just saying that if Jesus hadn't gained popularity, one of these mystery religions would have become the "it" thing to believe. I think they would have taken hold and we might have a great big Dionysian Church. The vatican was built on the remains of a temple to Mithras.


The only difference is that I'm saying that Jesus merely became a favorite over those other icons, by some political leaders. Someday another icon will take over as favorite over Jesus.
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