
well i am not so good at arguing myself...
but i agree with what you say
i was just making the point that i reckon someone would have done the same thing as jesus sooner or later
i've seen many different christian interpretations of the bible(new testament)
my personal belief is jesus was real, that what is said to some degree happened not getting into the exact points, but i believe he was a spiritual being who could perform miracles of healing walking on water weather control etc
if he hadn't of come, the world would be a much darker place

i believe these last 2000 years or more have been a spiritual dark age and i believe we are coming out of that now and that we will again start to see people with miracle powers and i am reckoning just maybe big J will show up again soon..

there are already this new generation of indigo children who are telepathic and have other psychic powers
i myself and others have had psychic experiences but i wont go into them here as they are personal and not for the ears of the skeptics amongst the a2k'ers out there

dont cast pearls to swine

i say seek the truth and you will find your truth

i say study all religions, all spiritual doctrines all science and then see the similarity in it all

the connections at every level

i didn't think jesus had a christian religion in mind in the context of what the romans did with it and i think that he is pretty upset about lots of killing in his name

i personally am into all religions and spiritual things and regularly go to a tibetan buddhist monastery

i believe in re-incarnation and i believe although our bodies die that we are an energy that cannot die and that we are spiritually evolving much like this life we see outside is physically evolving

my god is not the god of the dead but the god of the living

i have had several past life dreams and i have met people in this life who claim to have known me in other lives but like i say i am not willing to discuss such things on a2k

if you want to talk about things like that then is best in a spiritual place
i go to a monastery in scotland called samyeling tibetan monastery
the website is
www.samyeling.org ...i am happy to discuss there any aspect of spirituality

so are the lamas that are there too and its an inter-faith monastery so we get christian priests and rabbis and imams there as well

and baha'is and hindus and taoists...all holy men and women
these are my own beliefs and i am not stating this like an absolute truth
i think that in the end of the day the christian religion has done more good than bad in this world and that the words of jesus have helped many people
and thats about it really
thank god for jesus

thats what i say
sorry for the delay in the reply this topic has been redundant for a while and i just stuck my head in at the end with my flippant comment
anyway may the force be with you ...always

peace and love to you