Why do you think so many discussions on A2K end up...

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 11:06 am
Still can't get a real handle on what this guy is going on about, Edgar.

@Ice Demon: Please...stop trying to be cute.

Quote (cut and paste) something I said with which you disagree...and let's discuss your problem with it.

I have no idea of what I've said or inferred (in your mind) that you disagree with.
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 12:28 pm
……. usernames into three letter words weirdly grating……..
But Osso when I offered to call you "Buco," 4 letters, and which I consider positively mellifluous, you rejected me out of fand

Forgive me Osso, just couldn't resist
..and please forgive the pun
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 01:02 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I believe we tend to form an opinion of a user and that opinion colors everything we see posted from them. I've had very genial discussions with some of our more reviled members interrupted by those who want to throw flames or seen their perfectly polite posts get thumbed down, almost certainly because of their reputations. It seems like once we have someone pigeon-holed, we don't know how to respond when they appear to go out of character even if that means they are engaging in polite debate.
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 01:33 pm
…...form an opinion of a user…...colors everything we see posted from them.
Very astute observation, Eng, I've often reflected upon that very thought

…...perfectly polite posts get thumbed down
….often perfectly innocent

…….once we have someone pigeon-holed, we don't know how to respond ….even if ……. polite debate.
Exactly, Eng, well put indeed
0 Replies
Ice Demon
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 01:48 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Don't worry about it Frank. If you don't get it by now, there is nothing wrong with that.
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 01:51 pm
@Ice Demon,
Yea Frank, didn't you realize this is the Demon in q:

Ice Demon
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 02:19 pm
I beg your pardon, but what has the link to do with any of this?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 02:45 pm
@Ice Demon,
Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5268331)
Don't worry about it Frank. If you don't get it by now, there is nothing wrong with that.

At least that response, I am pretty sure I understand.

It means, "I cannot quote anything and make a reasonable argument for it being wrong...so I am just going to pretend the problem is with your ability to understand."

Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 02:46 pm
Hey Dale.

Just trying to understand what I've said that this poster disagrees with.

Apparently he doesn't either.
Ice Demon
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 02:52 pm
@Frank Apisa,
No, it's more along the lines of "I don't care if you get it, I've made my point."
But I see the game you're playing. Acting oblivious while secretly knowing what's going on. So how many sock puppets have you made to thumb down my posts?
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:01 pm
@Ice Demon,
Ice Demon...I never "thumb up" or "thumb down" any posts.

Not sure what your problem is...but if you ever want to actually quote something I said that you want to dispute or discuss...do so.

If you are someone posting using a new screen name to make some kind of point...make it!

Or maybe you will have more luck it you try doing whatever you are doing with someone else.
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:02 pm
@Ice Demon,
By the way, you wrote:

I've made my point.

I doubt that.

0 Replies
Ice Demon
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:39 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Not trying to be grandiose here, but if this small community cannot conduct itself better...if we cannot each afford the others more respect...what possible hope is there for achieving any of those ends in larger entities.

Fallacy of composition. What matters if a smaller community conducts itself better or not? It won't ever mean that there is a hope for achieving any of those ends in larger entities.

Our congress here in America is barely able to function because of those divisions…and adherents of the different sides seem, at times, almost to loathe the adherents of the other side.

You think this loathing is something that just started recently? There are other variables at play that affects the function of the congress than just divisions between opinions.

I guess what I was saying in my OP (albeit rather clumsily)…let’s all cool it a bit. Rather than allow differences of opinions to so easily degenerate into variations of “you are stupid” or “you are an asshole”…let’s all see if we, in this rather small world, can be above that sort of thing.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. And even if people become more civil, does that mean the world is going to become a more better place?
All that is needed to occur is serious censorship and utter control by the moderators to achieve what you're wanting, but does that mean society at large will change?
It's human nature.
The problem I'm having is the silly parallels that you're trying to draw up; it's just too shallow to understand the pattern to the madness in society outside of a forum group.
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:41 pm
@Ice Demon,
but what has the link to do with any of this?
Been Demonized

Forgive the punster
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:42 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Just trying to understand what I've said that this poster disagrees with.
Most threads go off onto such tangents, I lose track entirely
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:56 pm
@Ice Demon,
Much, much better, Ice Demon. An excellent attempt...even though I think it falls short of working.

Re: Frank Apisa (Post 5268488)
Not trying to be grandiose here, but if this small community cannot conduct itself better...if we cannot each afford the others more respect...what possible hope is there for achieving any of those ends in larger entities.

Fallacy of composition. What matters if a smaller community conducts itself better or not? It won't ever mean that there is a hope for achieving any of those ends in larger entities.

Possibly a fallacy of composition if I were offering it as a proof or support of a proof. I am not…and I think most readers understood that. It is an entreaty…saying essentially if a small group of people with lots of common ground are not able to discuss things in a more civil way…perhaps that explains why larger, more complex entities cannot do so. So it would not hurt if we were to strive to show that we can do it….and by so doing, perhaps indicate a more optimistic possibility for it being done more universally.

Our congress here in America is barely able to function because of those divisions…and adherents of the different sides seem, at times, almost to loathe the adherents of the other side.

You think this is something that just started recently?

Neither the former nor the latter is something that started recently…and your phrasing was ambiguous as to which you referred. In any case, did I suggest it is something new? And even if I were naive enough to think it new, how would that impact on my general thesis?

I guess what I was saying in my OP (albeit rather clumsily)…let’s all cool it a bit. Rather than allow differences of opinions to so easily degenerate into variations of “you are stupid” or “you are an asshole”…let’s all see if we, in this rather small world, can be above that sort of thing.

You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

If you had a point to make in this remark…you did not succeed.

So…in total you are suggesting that there was something wrong with me comparing a small community with a much larger one…and suggesting a relationship!

Hummm. Interesting…if a bit sad.

I am delighted others feel differently.
Ice Demon
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 04:07 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Possibly a fallacy of composition if I were offering it as a proof or support of a proof. I am not…and I think most readers understood that. It is an entreaty…saying essentially if a small group of people with lots of common ground are not able to discuss things in a more civil way…perhaps that explains why larger, more complex entities cannot do so. So it would not hurt if we were to strive to show that we can do it….and by so doing, perhaps indicate a more optimistic possibility for it being done more universally.

Prove that's the case. You have the burden of proof here.

Neither the former nor the latter is something that started recently…and your phrasing was ambiguous as to which you referred. In any case, did I suggest it is something new? And even if I were naive enough to think it new, how would that impact on my general thesis?

It doesn't impact your general thesis, because that example was not too relevant to your "thesis" to begin with.

So…in total you are suggesting that there was something wrong with me comparing a small community with a much larger one…and suggesting a relationship!

Definitely, it's such a gross generalization that it's not worth comparisons, especially if this small community is a forum where anonymity is assured.

Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 04:24 pm
@Ice Demon,
Frank wrote:
So…in total you are suggesting that there was something wrong with me comparing a small community with a much larger one…and suggesting a relationship!
Ice Demon wrote:
Definitely, it's such a gross generalization that it's not worth comparisons, especially if this small community is a forum where anonymity is assured.
(Bolding mine)

You have to appreciate the irony of a statement that denounces generalization, while making a gross generalization. Rolling Eyes
Ice Demon
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 04:51 pm
Really? Irony?
I didn't say all generalizations are not worth comparisons, I'm just saying this one being discussed is such that it's not worth it.
Might as well compare a pail of salt water to the sea.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 05:06 pm
@Ice Demon,
Ice Demon wrote:

Mr. Apisa, by comparing and trying to connect the picture of society at large with trolls and flamers on the internet. Well, I don't know if you are trolling or just being plain ludicrous, but you seem to have attracted quite a gathering and their explanations and justifications on such a silly premise. How can something incongruous with internet forums and reality be taken so literal with the society at large? Roberta and a few others saw through your inaccurate notion of finding a parallelism. The vacuous comments on humanistic correctness has turned some people's mind into an inane waste land, attested by their ludicrous explanations. I didn't figure your good mind to fall to such fatuous forces and lead people thinking in that direction.

Frank, I think this a terrific example of tossing a bunch of words on a page and not saying anything. It's like a David Lynch film, beautifully crafted but means absolutely nothing. Or to put it more simply, it's drivel, important sounding if you aren't paying attention, but drivel none the less.

Oh, Ice Demon, nice touch stating how surprised you are at frank's fine mind engaging in something so inane. Great job diverting the conversation.j

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