I read that when I was about 35 and so I quit for four years. The article I read said that it took 3 years to put the lungs back into pristine condition but I played safe. It also hinted strongly that roll-ups were the least danger.
So when I started again, as I had every intention of doing, and which intention makes quitting a lot easier, I smoked roll-ups. I have done ever since.
The reason I intended starting again was because I knew how unutterably boring non-smokers are* and had no desire to inflict a non-smoking spendi on my companions. There was also a sense that I would be letting down the afflicted who are cared for with the tobacco tax. A pack of 20 Osborne's** here is £7 (about $10).
Generally speaking, persistent smokers are not afflicted for too long a time if the habit does them in whereas non-smokers linger on for ever and almost ever, whingeing and whining, costing the economy such a large amount of money that I do believe they have the capacity to break all our hearts.
I have yet to come to a conclusion on the matter of whether it was the Catholic Church or tobacco which inspired the creativity and courage which lead to the cornucopia of goodies which we all now enjoy. It most certainly was not atheist non-smokers.
* See non smoker's posts.
**Ready made cigarettes are often referred to here by the name of the current Chancellor of the Exchequer.