OmSigDAVID wrote:Because of my ROBUST love of liberty
I am moven to declare myself a conservative
in that the subject matter of the conservation,
the US Constitution, limits and cripples government,
insofar as interference in domostic matters is concerned.
In other words, the Constitution which is conserved
is an instrument of personal freedom, by crippling domestic government.
This is another way of my declaring myself to be a libertarian.
Personal freedom is inversely proportional to the domestic power of government.
Most of the time,
the Democrat Party shows greater hostility to personal freedom
than do the Republicans.
I will carry the Flag for Goldwater Republicans.
( I will also note that the Bushes were never conservatives. )
How funny can one get ~ the deceit of thine own self:
Liberty is of Liberal is of Libertarian.
I am very Consevative, I am a libertarian. I am not a Republican cause they are not.
Government is a necessary evil as is religion. Man is inheriently uncivil, selfish and hostile toward others. The US allows only two parties - Repub and Dem. Libertarians can be in both, and if Rep ~ the Government becomes involved on the side of business (royalty, the rich), if Dem ~ on the side of the people.
The biggest untruth you say is that Dems are hostile toward personal freedoms, such is the lie you believe! Rush loves you......
Government and debt have grown more under GWB and Reagan, individually, than any other Presidents combined. Conservative, to me, is an economic term ~ which is certainly not shown under Republicans. Go figure. Liberty is achieved under social liberalism, liberty, libertarianism.