I've voted green, independent, liberal and NDP, and once communist (they were the only ones that showed up at an all-candidate's meeting at my university residence so they got my vote that time round). Liberal here is actually rather conservative, NDP is greenish liberal and the independent was bizarrely independent. I tend to vote more conservatively (liberal) federally, and liberally (NDP) provincially, and absolutely none of the above (independent) municipally. Beyond a vague set of leanings, I vote for the candidate. That makes me a full-fledged none of the above voter. I like to annoy candidates by asking questions of them when they're at the door. That makes me a citizen. Dang tootin'.
I'm with you Ehbeth, but is there a liberal, greenish, independant party anywhere?
I vote it MY WAY!!!!
the rhinoceros party. i forgot about them. i voted for them federally a couple of times, when i was really peeved with all the other local candidates. They're rather liberal, green and independent.
the rhinoceros party - putting the mock in democracy!
from the happyfunpundit weblog
The Rhinos are Back!
Not many people realize this, but the Rhinoceros party has been resurrected in Canada.
They only have one official party priority at this time: They want to change the official name of British Columbia to "La La Land", to "more accurately reflect the true nature of our geopolitical reality."
I quote from their website:
After an alcohol-induced hibernation of almost 13 years, Canada's most beloved political party, okay Canada's ONLY beloved political party, is staggering to its feet, shaking the mental cobwebs from its big, fat head and preparing to rampage across B.C. Ladies and gentlemen... wait a minute, neither ladies nor gentlemen will be too pleased with this news. Children of all ages, however, will rejoice in the knowledge that the Rhino Party is back!
I think this is a party with a future. It is a party with vision - one of their election promises years ago was to have the Rocky Mountains bulldozed so that Alberta could get a few extra minutes of daylight.
America could use a Rhino party. When politics is absurd, the absurd should become politicians. In an insane world, only the sane man appears insane. Or something like that.
A couple of years ago, we almost got to have Louie Louie as our state song...but, then a conservative group changed things and we ended up with a real dorky song called "Washington My Home". I think that the Rhino party would have liked Louie Louie much better. It certainly would have been more fun!
Has anybody else examined the Natural Law Party?
The Natural Law Party
Conservative. As of this moment, the one and only. Overall, I am very surprised at the high number on the forum who think of themselves as moderate.
i didn't mean, to treat you, so bad
you just take it so personal
I didn't mean, to make you so sad
you just happened to be there that's all
think i'm goin rhino...enough of this nonsence.
I voted none of the above.
It depends on the issue at hand and I despise these labels. They oversimplify and politics is not a simple topic.
I went "Moderate", though it was a toss with "Conservative". I tend to pay far more attention to an issue's merits and faults from my perspective than to its Party. I often vote across party lines, sometimes in support of a given candidate or issue, other times perhaps merely to choose a least objectionable alternative. I don't really identify with either "The Left Wing" or "The Right Wing"; both offer things I can live with, and both offer things I'd rather do without. A bird without both wings is a helpless, clumsy beast. Given that the electoral balance of The nation is very nearly cleanly 50/50 Republican/Democrat, it may be inferred many folks feel similarly. By and large, we're a Nation of Centrists, always surprising one wing or the other by our sudden, "inexplicable" changes of mood or sympathy. Complacence is a useless trait in a politician, and I wish we could breed that trait right out of the herd.
well said, a bird without two wings. bottom line in my book.
I heard from an old friend that an old friend of his, an older fellow I also knew, thought I was to the left of him. That shook me. He, the older fellow friend, was in the Abraham Lincoln brigade.
What was it I said???
I am just an ordinary old liberal.
And there you go.
NH has the best State Motto I think Ossubuco,
Yeah, mikey. And don't you dare display it upside, either!
Can we safely say, to this point, that most members are not conservative?