Fri 13 Dec, 2002 10:28 pm
MODERATE OR NONE OF THE ABOVE? Just curious...what would be your best guess? Why?
Mapleleaf, are you seeking our opinion as to the general tilt of the group as a whole or looking for our very own leanings?
I consider myself to be a liberal...have been told that I am very liberal, and am sometimes shocked by friends my age when they say or do something that I consider to be conservative...
I am attempting to determine the leanings of the group by asking folks to vote how they see themselves. In addition, I am asking the membership to spectulate on the results of the poll. Therefore, I am doing both.
So then, basically, lyou're trying to confuse me. I voted for me as an independent (though as opposed to Liberal or Conservative I would have opted for Moderate rather than independent but that option wasn't there and Other didn't do it for me). I'm pretty middle of the road when taken as a whole. More conservative in some areas; more liberal in others.
Most would want to brand me a liberal. That is because I come to the aid of many leftist causes. In fact, I am neither one. I consider that left/right are two sides of a single coin. In the best of times they work together, yin/yang - whatever. Right now conservatives are ticking me off because they currently tilt to much away from center. But there are liberal causes I don't agree with. For instance, I support the death penalty. Also, I don't support the Democratic party because they have become rudderless and only try to follow the political tide.
Yes, moderate would have been more specific...let's see if I can fix that without screwing it up.
And I feel I am Centrist, that should be a selection also.
We are not but 2 parties in America - even though we are made to be, some are Green and some are Libertarian plus 50 more!
I went 'None of the Above' and forced a split - 33%, 33%, 33%. I feel powerful, for this moment only - til the next comes by!
Well now, I'd vote me into green if there was a slot up there for that.
Personally, I am more interested in issues as they relate to my values. I don't see myself as left or right; rather, I shop for whatever individuals I view as helping the people and/or providing leadership for country. I suppose that makes me a moderate.
I characterize myself as libertarian, small "l", as I don't wish to be aligned with any political party. In a nutshell, I am ultra liberal on social issues, and ultra conservative on economic issues.
I believe that the basic function of government is protection of its citizens, both within and without. I do not appreciate a government which tells its citizens how to live thieir lives.
Because of this, I can never be really satisfied by ANY political candidate, the way politics are sent up in this country.I tend to vote for those who will do the least harm, IMO.
Voted moderate but am really all over the place. Depends on the topic for me.
DUHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! What da yuh tink, fuh cryin out loud?
Can I be a moderate liberal?.....
I, too, support the death penalty, but I feel that the cases must be selected carefully and that the guilt of the person is without question.
Mikey you can be a moerate liberal if I can be a conservative liberal. Would we then be cancelling each other out?
I am all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Phoenix - you are the closest, but I also know there are issues we disagree on! I can handle that!
The fact I support the death penalty in and of itself does not make me bloodthirsty. I don't believe in revenge killing and I do believe there should be 100% no doubt that the one convicted is a proper candidate for execution. I view it as a surgical removal of a diseased organ and take no pleasure in any aspect of it. I was highlighting one of the reasons I am not truly a liberal. I think further discussion of this should be done on a seperate thread.
Tossed myself in the moderate camp although I tend to vote more on the left most of the time.
I'd guess the group is pretty diverse and not too heavily weighted in one direction or another. Then again, we've invited people of all persuasions, plus people come in from Google who are also of all persuasions, so the mix is somewhat by design.