perception wrote: I voted moderate really to distance myself from the religious right
That had a good deal to do with my decision as well. I am equally perturbed by "Bleeding Heart Liberals" as by "Bible-Thumping Conservatives". The "Right-to-Lifers" who destroy abortion clinics and assasinate staffers are no different from any terrorists using bombs and bullets anywhere in the world, for any cause; they are but cowardly criminals and merit the full weight and retribution of the law. The Religious Hypocrites who espouse stiffling all viewpoint but their own are just Fascists, regardless of stated agenda. Intollerance is intollerable, Religious Intollerance invalidates itself by its very premis.
There is much to be said for "My Country, right or wrong, but My Country." I don't advocate slavishly following "The National Line" by any means ... when "The National Line" differs from my own convictions, I will register my disapproval with vogor, but within the bounds of law and social responsibility. Our citizens are given the means of change and redress through orderly process. The history of this nation is neither without blemish or glorious example, and often where one ends and the other begins can be difficult to determine. We have had and will have our mistakes and embarrassments, just as we have had and will have our triumphs and victories. No nation on the planet spends more on foreign aid than does the US. No nation on the planet is more looked to as a destination for immigration than is The US. No nation on the planet is more envied than the US. No nation on the planet is perfect, not even The US.
That, over the past 200+ years we have grown from a loose confederation of farmers and shopkeepers to become the wealthiest, most powerful, influential politico-economic entity of history is indication that, whatever flaws our system may have, it is a system which works better than any system ever devised. It is the very diversity of opinion and position afforded by our system which has made this possible, and which assures our continued success. I may not like "The Loonies" of either wing, but I grant them their voice even as I strive to counter their arguments. To me, that's what "Being an American" is all about. In fact, that's pretty much what Civilization is all about.
Oh, and thank you, perception, for the kudos. I lurk much more than I post, but when I do post, it is often out of strong conviction. As for "my style", I attempt to define my position unambiguously and concisely, though I from time to time indulge in just plain silliness as well.