Hear Hear--I hear the 'if only somebody had a gun" reaction to the Virginia Tech, Aurora and Sandy Springs shootings and seriously consider how I reacted when 'shot at in anger' during a robbery at a motel I worked when I was a college student.
My first reaction was to take cover, my second was to call the police, my third was to write down what I saw. At no time did I even consider grabbing the S&W 38 Mag that was kept under the counter.
When the police finally showed up (in the longest documented three minutes of my life) , the senior investigator lauded me to my employer about my intelligent and sensible response when she asked why I didn't 'go for the gun.'
BTW I gave the cops an accurate description of the robber, a description of the car and the license number. The only thing I really couldn't do was stop shaking and tell if the robber's shotgun was 12 of 20 ga. I finally stopped shaking when the suspect was apprehended (~ 20 minutes).