H2O if you could use excess social security taxes to cut your taxes would you? If once you had used all the social security trust fund for tax cuts for yourself would you then cut social security benefits for retirees so you could keep your tax cuts? The commie/conservatives in Congress have answered these questions with a resounding yes.
The commie/conservatives insist we have a “spending problem” even though marginal taxes on the ungodly greedy had been as high as 93% to pay off the National debt ran up to pay for WWII. But a decade before the WWII debt would have been paid off Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 60% and instead of continuing to pay off the WWII debt Reagan tripled the National Debt. When the national debt is graphed as a percentage of GNP it shows that Presidents, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter had all paid the National debt caused by WWII down until Reagan tripled the National Debt. Reagan ran the national debt back up to point where it stood when Eisenhower took office. Reagan set the country back almost three decades. The National debt was run up during the biggest world war ever fought but Reagan ran the debt up nearly that high during peace time.
Since Reagan ran the National Debt up so high so fast did he have a “spending problem?” Or did he have a “tax cutting on the ungodly greedy problem.” We can all look back and see there was no great building of infrastructure during Reagan’s term in office it was the tax cuts on the ungodly greedy that caused the National Debt to triple and even though a small percentage of Reagan’s tax cuts on the ungodly greedy have been rescinded the vast majority of Reagan’s tax cuts on the ungodly greedy remain in force. The ungodly greedy tax rate stood at 70% when Reagan took office and even with the last tax increase it now stands at 39.6% still more than 30% lower than when Regan took office.
We do not having a “spending problem” in America we have a “problem caused by cutting taxes on the ungodly greedy.” Presidents, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, and Carter all paid the national Debt down but Reagan tripled it. The reason is unmistakable lowering income far below operating costs.
How did Reagan get by with it? Slogans, he ran on slogans and most people never looked at facts just Reagan’s slogans. Regan ran on the slogan that said he would “Cut taxes, increase spending on the military, and pay off the National Debt.” Most people realize you can’t cut your income, increase spending and pay off your debt. But when you make it a slogan and repeat endlessly the masses soon believe it and even after 30 years have passed and the hard statistics are undeniable people still believe Reagan’s slogans.
Now the commie/conservatives stand poised to pick the pockets of those on social security to maintain the artificially low taxes on the ungodly greedy. The return of the $2.7 trillion social security trust fund to those who created it is not a “spending problem” it is in no way “spending problem” it is simply the return of deposits and interest on the accounts due and payable.
We actually have an “accounting problem.” The books have been a lie for generations. In order to solve the problem the actual expenses of running the country and the actual income from taxes other than payroll taxes must be separated from social security and Medicare taxes, their trust funds and interest on those trust funds. What you have left is what you have to run the country on. If choice you have to make is to cut the military in half or double the taxes on the ungodly greedy that is the choice that will have to be made. For 30 years over payments into social security and Medicare programs have been used to underwrite the general fund budget. The hard cold fact is there are no longer overpayments and the interest on the trust funds and the trust funds themselves will be needed to pay current retirees. This creates a double edged problem for the general fund as the social security and Medicare trust funds have been borrowed by the general fund and must be repaid by the general fund.
If you can get the public to believe that social security is creating a “spending problem” you can cut benefits below the current income from social security and free up more money for more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Will the public believe the slogan “we have a spending problem?” Hitler slogans are the most powerful form of propaganda.