H2O have you ever been to a fortune teller? Where the gypsy comes in with something wrapped around her head sits down and runs her hands over her crystal ball and tells your wife she is going to meet a tall dark man if she divorces you and then she asks for her $10 dollars. The author of your article is the same she sits down and gazes into her crystal ball and claims she can see the future and magically the future she sees conforms to her political beliefs. Nobody can see into the future and nobody can predict what changes will be made in a complex economical system when something is changed. The gypsy says you will meet a tall dark man and your author says health care will go up, surprise, surprise, the cost health care has went up for last 40 years.
Do you know I feel extremely sorry to hear that the Medical devices will have to pay a sales tax like other products. The Medical companies have managed to get a free ride for years and exempted them from taxes all other companies must pay. These same deadbeat companies did business in Huntington for years without paying taxes. I have to pay 7% sales tax on a hamburger why should they not pay 2.3%. Who exactly extracts profits from the medical sector? These same companies charge ten times the cost of manufacturing their products there is little to no competition in their field and profits are outrageous.
To start with the law is “The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act Bill” not Obama care. The commie/conservatives go to great lengths never to refer to it as the “Affordable Health Care Act Bill.” The purpose of the Baby Bush drug plan was maximize the drug company profits at the expense of seniors. Imagine paying for a fire insurance policy where after the insurance company paid first $20,000 in damages you had to pay for the next $20,000 before the insurance company starts paying again. It is called a donut hole. I know of no other insurance that has a donut hole. In the donut hole those on $900 a month social security must pay $100 of that for Medicare and another $60 a month for prescription drug program. Plus when you reach the donut hole you must pay the entire cost of your drugs until you pay the next $3,454 in drugs. The Affordable Health Care Act closes the donut hole at 10% until it is closed entirely in 2020. That will save seniors $3,454 a year. This isn’t a crystal ball prediction it is hard demonstrable fact not a crystal ball prediction.
H2O where have you been the last 40 years? There have been double digit hikes in the cost of health care for most of those years. Health care for a serious disease is no longer affordable for middle class American with medical insurance. The only avenue open to them after a serious illness is bankruptcy. One drug to treat breast cancer costs $94,000. How many people do you think could afford it? With the rest of the treatment for breast cancer you are looking at a ½ million dollars for treating the disease the first time it is treated. If it reoccurs and it does in most cases it can cost over a million. If the family that has worked hard all their lives and paid for outrageous price for medical insurance they are soon bankrupted by the 20% copay. It does not make any difference at all whether you had to file bankruptcy over $200,000 or a million dollars, the result is the same.
There is an exception though if you are fortunate to have reached the age of 65 and have Medicare. The cost of medical care is not dictated by the free market the sky is the limit health care system. The government represents those on Medicare and represents millions of Americans who need Health care. The government says if you want to treat these people this is the price we will pay and often it is 20% or less of the sky is the limit price the public pays. Not only that but the 20% the patient pays is not 20% of the sky is the limit charge but 20% of allowable Medicare charge. If your wife went to the hospital the charge for mammogram it might the shy is the limit charge would be $132 a Medicare patient would be charged $20 for the same service. Medicare would pay 80% or $16 and the patient would responsible for $4.
The sky is the limit health care system exists for one reason and one reason only to make bigger and bigger profits. National Health Care is the only viable option. We are not there yet but we are moving in that direction. We are the only industrialized nation with a sky is the limit health care system. If health Insurance continues to increase at the rate over the last 40 years a policy will cost over $250,000 a year and there is no reason to believe it will not continue as it has for the last 40 years.