Fri 22 Feb, 2013 07:10 am
Zardoz wrote:

H2O I would agree the tax code needs to be simplified

The Fair Tax plan simplifies the tax code.
0 Replies
Fri 22 Feb, 2013 07:41 am

Support the FairTax bill in Congress
Sat 23 Feb, 2013 07:29 am
H2O have you read the book? The “Fair Tax” movement is no more than a cult, like the Moonies. I have read the actual book and did not have to read the links from other cult members who never even read the original book but just joined the cult movement. The income tax was also a simple tax system when it started. The first thing that would be exempt from the Fair Tax would be larger 50’ yachts followed by other things purchased only by the ungodly for the good of the economy of course. Remember there was only one exemption from the income tax when it was passed and that was a standard deduction.
0 Replies
Sat 23 Feb, 2013 11:05 am

In 2013, Millions Of Americans Face Obamacare Tax Hikes
Sat 23 Feb, 2013 05:52 pm
When you filter it through a brain with reasoning power, I will... Put your name down for a brain transplant. Squirt
Sat 23 Feb, 2013 06:16 pm

What prevented you from getting your own transplant?
I guess your obvious frontal lobotomy was good enough.
Sun 24 Feb, 2013 09:33 am
H2O have you ever been to a fortune teller? Where the gypsy comes in with something wrapped around her head sits down and runs her hands over her crystal ball and tells your wife she is going to meet a tall dark man if she divorces you and then she asks for her $10 dollars. The author of your article is the same she sits down and gazes into her crystal ball and claims she can see the future and magically the future she sees conforms to her political beliefs. Nobody can see into the future and nobody can predict what changes will be made in a complex economical system when something is changed. The gypsy says you will meet a tall dark man and your author says health care will go up, surprise, surprise, the cost health care has went up for last 40 years.

Do you know I feel extremely sorry to hear that the Medical devices will have to pay a sales tax like other products. The Medical companies have managed to get a free ride for years and exempted them from taxes all other companies must pay. These same deadbeat companies did business in Huntington for years without paying taxes. I have to pay 7% sales tax on a hamburger why should they not pay 2.3%. Who exactly extracts profits from the medical sector? These same companies charge ten times the cost of manufacturing their products there is little to no competition in their field and profits are outrageous.

To start with the law is “The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act Bill” not Obama care. The commie/conservatives go to great lengths never to refer to it as the “Affordable Health Care Act Bill.” The purpose of the Baby Bush drug plan was maximize the drug company profits at the expense of seniors. Imagine paying for a fire insurance policy where after the insurance company paid first $20,000 in damages you had to pay for the next $20,000 before the insurance company starts paying again. It is called a donut hole. I know of no other insurance that has a donut hole. In the donut hole those on $900 a month social security must pay $100 of that for Medicare and another $60 a month for prescription drug program. Plus when you reach the donut hole you must pay the entire cost of your drugs until you pay the next $3,454 in drugs. The Affordable Health Care Act closes the donut hole at 10% until it is closed entirely in 2020. That will save seniors $3,454 a year. This isn’t a crystal ball prediction it is hard demonstrable fact not a crystal ball prediction.

H2O where have you been the last 40 years? There have been double digit hikes in the cost of health care for most of those years. Health care for a serious disease is no longer affordable for middle class American with medical insurance. The only avenue open to them after a serious illness is bankruptcy. One drug to treat breast cancer costs $94,000. How many people do you think could afford it? With the rest of the treatment for breast cancer you are looking at a ½ million dollars for treating the disease the first time it is treated. If it reoccurs and it does in most cases it can cost over a million. If the family that has worked hard all their lives and paid for outrageous price for medical insurance they are soon bankrupted by the 20% copay. It does not make any difference at all whether you had to file bankruptcy over $200,000 or a million dollars, the result is the same.

There is an exception though if you are fortunate to have reached the age of 65 and have Medicare. The cost of medical care is not dictated by the free market the sky is the limit health care system. The government represents those on Medicare and represents millions of Americans who need Health care. The government says if you want to treat these people this is the price we will pay and often it is 20% or less of the sky is the limit price the public pays. Not only that but the 20% the patient pays is not 20% of the sky is the limit charge but 20% of allowable Medicare charge. If your wife went to the hospital the charge for mammogram it might the shy is the limit charge would be $132 a Medicare patient would be charged $20 for the same service. Medicare would pay 80% or $16 and the patient would responsible for $4.

The sky is the limit health care system exists for one reason and one reason only to make bigger and bigger profits. National Health Care is the only viable option. We are not there yet but we are moving in that direction. We are the only industrialized nation with a sky is the limit health care system. If health Insurance continues to increase at the rate over the last 40 years a policy will cost over $250,000 a year and there is no reason to believe it will not continue as it has for the last 40 years.
0 Replies
Sun 24 Feb, 2013 05:42 pm
H2O MAN wrote:

What prevented you from getting your own transplant?
I guess your obvious frontal lobotomy was good enough.

Still haven't got a filtration in that so called brain of yours.. I see (:-)
0 Replies
Mon 25 Feb, 2013 06:30 am
H2O the link you posted to “Support the Fair Tax Bill in Congress” appears to be a letter to the editor from a cult member. The purpose of the book was develop a cult following and have the followers spread the message it appears that this fool took the bait and ran with it. All of these “Fair Tax” supporters should shave their heads put on black robes and beg in airports, like the Moonies, for money to bribe politicians with.

The author of your letter to editor did list his qualifications to predict the future; he did not even tell us if his time machine is in working order. No doubt he is president of the local Bubba club in Alabama and has swallowed the huge lies in the book. The monthly government welfare checks had to be what sold him, welfare is big business in Alabama and it has been getting harder to get your check.

Bubba list four factors in explaining why America is no longer competitive, price of labor, price of benefits, regulations, and taxes. He believes if the “Fair Taxes” was passed it would make America competitive again. He has his own slogan “America works when Americans work” and that was brave on his part because that alone could result in him being excommunicated from the local Bubba Club. It is of course short sighted to believe that if Federal taxes are cut, and some corporations pay no federal tax now, also remember all state and local taxes would still be collected. This elimination one tax out of hundreds would not be a magic bullet much less solves the labor problem when Chinese will work for 25 cents an hour and Americans want $15 and hour. The cost of sky is the limit Health Care system will continue to make America’s products noncompetitive in a world where all other industrialized countries have national health care.

The Pollyanna view put forth in the Fair Tax book is done for one reason to eliminate the tax on “excess wealth” and lower the tax on the ungodly greedy to point they would be negligible. The authors say the same amount of taxes would be collected after the “Fair Tax” was implemented as were collected under the old system the only difference would be who paid them. If the taxes are further shifted on to middle class, they would have to make enough money to pay 37% tax on every penny they earn. This money to pay the taxes would have to come from their employer and the same taxes would still be embedded in the price of the products in the form of higher labor costs. It is a case of now you see them now you don’t, the taxes do not disappear your attention is just misdirected.
0 Replies
Mon 25 Feb, 2013 09:08 am

Obama is currently responsible for increased taxes and decreases in the quality of life.

The more Obama taxes and spends, the more the quality of life declines. Obama is spreading the misery around.

Obama's growing number of regulations are killing business and reducing the number of wage earners that can be taxed.
Tue 26 Feb, 2013 06:32 am
H2O, Obama situation is much like marrying a woman who has lived on credit cards for the last 8 years and then she blames you for running up the debt because you must pay 40% of every dollar you earn to pay the interest on her credit card debt. The commie/conservatives have been spending money twice for the last 30 years, spending $3 trillion for a war with a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 and at the same time cutting taxes on the ungodly by a trillion. This never happened at any time in during the history of America. If America decided to go to war taxes were raised to pay for that war.

Commie/conservatives believe you can live in a fantasy where you can spend more and more money and cut taxes at the same time. In fact Dick Cheney said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” Why not cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy some more deficits don’t matter. Cheney can have any fantasy he wants but the rest of us have to deal with reality. The trouble is deficits do matter and now the harsh reality is we have to pay 40% of every tax dollar coming in for interest on the Bush/Reagan debt.

Reagan tripled the National Debt during peacetime something that was unheard of and borrowed the money at double digit credit card interest rates for 30 years. Obama is like the husband that marries a woman with a couple hundred thousand in credit card debit somebody ends up having to pay the bill.

The only time in the last 30 years where the middle class standard of living improved was after Clinton raised the taxes on the ungodly greedy. With the taxes on ungodly greedy returning to the rate they were during Clinton’s term in office it is likely that the middle class standard of living will improve.

In the end it comes down to how you slice the economic pie if you continue to give a bigger slice of that pie to the ungodly greedy everyone else must split what is left. The commie/conservative theory is to use the government as toll to make the ungodly greedy richer believing the more they have the more will trickle down to the rest. In theory that is what they believed but in practice what actual happened was the ungodly greedy used the extra money to bribe politicians and take more and more for themselves so they could make even bigger bribes and take more.

H2O here you go with the mindless simple slogans again, "regulations are killing business." The regulations you refer to are laws, the rules of the game and no game can take place without rules. If that pesky regulation on murder could just be repealed, Murder Incorporated would be a legitimate business and it would be a very profitable business. Don’t like your boss just call Murder Incorporated they will take care of the problem. Your brother is going to inherit half of your parent’s estate no problem call Murder Incorporated. All of the important regulations written after the Great Depression to keep it from happening again were repealed by the commie/conservative war on regulations and took less than 10 years for a far bigger economic collapse to occur. For 70 years those “regulations” protected America from the Wall Street thieves as soon as they were repealed the thieves had a field day. One of the biggest investment banks on Wall Street, Gold Sachs, set up fraudulent investments to make their buddies rich and then told the public they were triple AAA rated investments when they knew they were worthless. They then told the public it was your fault you should have known we were thieves and should realize the buyer duty is to beware. Goldman Sacks employees referred to customers as suckers, marks. You may be right maybe we need less regulations so when these thieves ripped people off they could have Murder Incorporated take care of them. They might be less likely to rip off people’s life savings but one thing for sure there would be fewer thieves.
Tue 26 Feb, 2013 06:59 am
Zardoz wrote:

H2O, Obama situation is much like marrying a commie/liberal woman who has lived on credit cards for the last 4 years and then she blames you for running up the debt because you must pay 40% of every dollar you earn to pay the interest on her credit card debt.

Yeah, commie/liberal Obama's spending problem has made all of us his bitch.
Wed 27 Feb, 2013 06:35 am
H2O the man who is considered the father of the Modern Conservative Movement was a hard line communists who at one time took his orders directly from Moscow. Many of the others who were also responsible for founding the Modern Conservative Movement were also communists one was even a famous communist spy. One must give credit where credit is due and without the communist intellectuals the Modern Conservative Movement only members would be the John Birchers. It was the communists who purged the Modern Conservative Movement of some of the more extreme elements like the John Birchers who openly claimed that Eisenhower was a communist.

The liberals on the other hand were responsible for the founding of America. The conservatives of the time supported England and did everything in their power to see that America remained an English colony. When the liberals won the revolutionary war they burned the homes of conservatives to the ground and shipped them back to England where they belonged. The Conservatives didn’t make a comeback until the communists found could no longer comfortably refer to themselves as communists in public.

When Baby Bush was elected President Clinton handed him a balanced budget. However when Obama took over Baby Bush had run up the National to 85% of what is was after WWII. Cheney kept chanting “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” When Reagan took office he immediately began running the National Debt up, all the presidents after WWII had managed to pay off 70% WWII before Reagan started radically running the debt. Reagan and Baby Bush spent the country’s money like a woman with a pocket book full of her husband credits after she found out he is leaving her for another woman. The only President to pay the National debt down in the last 30 years is Clinton. Clinton reduced the National Debt by 5%. Reagan increased the National debt by 30% and then Baby Bush increased the National Debt by 35%. The commie/conservatives handed Obama the bill for Voodoo economics. Bush senior had predicted what would happen to America under Voodoo economics. If over 40% of every dollar has to go to pay the interest on the Reagan/Baby Bush debt we are in trouble. Reagan borrowed money to give 60% tax cuts and then Baby Bush borrowed trillions more to give tax cuts to the ungodly greedy chanting “give the people back their money.’
0 Replies
Thu 28 Feb, 2013 06:32 am
H2O what I can’t figure out is why you want to pay higher taxes. Even the author of the book openly admits if you use credit cards you will pay more in taxes than you do now. Of course the author knows full well that there will be winners and losers if the “Un-Fair Tax” tax becomes law. The biggest losers will be the young adults just starting who literally need to purchase everything from houses, cars, furniture, and medical care for their children. They will have to finance their purchases and pay credit card interest on the 30% “Un-Fair Tax.” Those that are older and who have already purchased their houses and furnishings will do a little better because they only have to buy replacement items as things ware out. But the ungodly greedy, the ultra-rich, will do much better. Let’s take a hedge fund manager that made five billion dollars last year and paid 15% income tax. He had to pay $750 million in income tax. He can live like a king for $5 million so the other the other four billion nine hundred and ninety five million will be completely tax free. He will pay 30% on that $5 million or $1.5 million in the “Un-Fair Tax.” The hedge fund manager saves $748.5 million in taxes in one year. This is why the Un-Fair Tax” is being pushed and it is ultra- rich that are funding and pushing this tax.

The author lies that the ultra-rich will benefit only slightly from the Un-Fair Tax and it is the middle class that will benefit. Let’s compare the middle class couple with a $50,000 income who get married and purchase a house for a $150,000 and furnishings. The Un-Fair Tax on the purchase of the house is $45,000. With one purchase they have spent 90% of their income on taxes. They then buy $10,000 to furnish their new home that costs them another $3,000 in taxes with purchase of food clothing and gasoline there taxed at over 100% of their income.
The hedge fund manager pays .03% income tax the middle class pays over a 100% in taxes and has borrow that money to pay it.

H2O is that your idea of some “Fair Tax?”
0 Replies
Thu 28 Feb, 2013 07:47 am

Yes, You Really Can Cut Your Way to Prosperity
0 Replies
Thu 28 Feb, 2013 07:49 am

In every case over the last 60 years, major tax cuts have more than paid for themselves.
Fri 1 Mar, 2013 06:32 am
H2O every conman in the country would like to have your address. You are so easily taken in even by the most obvious lies. By this time in your life you should be aware that people lie if it benefits them. The same old story if we just cut taxes to zero we will collect the maximum amount of taxes. That is so absurd that even a child would not believe it.

Clinton increased taxes, balanced the budget and paid down the National debt. The bottom line is Baby Bush cut taxes and he increased the National Debt by 35%. Reagan cut taxes and increased the National debt by 30%. All the presidents after WWII paid down the National Debt until Reagan got elected. After the Reagan tax cuts the National debt graph increased nearly as steeply as it did during WWII.

None of the tax collection figures listed in your link were adjusted for inflation, a dollar today is not worth a dollar tomorrow let alone 5 years from now. After the republicans eliminated the most of the regulations put in place after the Great Depression to stop fraud on Wall Street. This caused the biggest fraud ever perpetuated on Wall Street it is known as the housing bubble. All sort of paper “investments” were created out of thin air most were simple bets of how a stock would perform. Wall Street operated like your local bookie as paper ballooned on Wall Street the bubble burst.

Figures don’t lie but liars do figure. When people set out to lie with figures look for what they leave out of Bush’s 8 years in office only 5 are listed. Bush cut taxes in 2001 where are 2001 and 2002? More importantly where is the tax figure for 2008 after the housing bubble blew up? The housing bubble wasn’t real it didn’t last and the government was collecting taxes on the housing bubble. As the bubble inflates taxes go up when the bubbles bursts taxes go down.

Any economy is a complex interaction of thousands of different factors, a simpleton will pick one factor out of those thousands and use it to as proof of what benefits them the most and tax cuts benefit the ungodly greedy by far the most.

H2O you need to stop reading the propaganda generated and paid for by the ungodly greedy it will rot your brain. The ungodly greedy will destroy America to put another shinny penny in their pocket. Tax cuts and the National debt are directly proportional.
Fri 1 Mar, 2013 11:49 pm
Can't wait for pissfart to put up another half dozen words from, the intelligentsia Great Old Mans party.
Fri 1 Mar, 2013 11:57 pm

Zardoz wrote:

H2O every conman in the country would like to have your address. You are so easily taken in even by the most obvious lies. By this time in your life you should be aware that people lie if it benefits them. The same old story if we just cut taxes to zero we will collect the maximum amount of taxes. That is so absurd that even a child would not believe it.

Your real name might be Laffer. The curve assumes zero revenue at zero rate. It also assumes zero revenue at 100% tax rate. You should look into this, if you haven't already done so.
Sat 2 Mar, 2013 07:40 am
Tenderfoot I am sure he will. There is a tremendous selection of propaganda out there now. There is more propaganda being generated everyday by the ungodly greedy and the think tanks they finance then during Hitler term in office. You can clearly how see how much the ungodly benefit by the “Fair Tax.” When just one man in America would save $748.5 million in taxes in just one year it creates a tremendous incentive to generate deceive the public. The author of the “Fair Tax” says it is revenue neutral meaning that $748.5 million the hedge manger doesn’t pay will be paid by increased taxes on the middle class. Some of the propaganda is extremely sophisticated and seem to make a rational argument until you notice that the statistics that disprove their arguments are deliberately left out. Others are deliberately distorted and they are a master of taking credit for cause when it is obviously something else that really caused it.

In the first decade of the 21st century we found it is much easier and more profitable to manufacturing paper than steel. Manufacturing in our economy has declined from nearly 50% to 13% but manufacturing paper investments has nearly doubling the current manufacturing sector at 20%. In the 21st century you no longer needed to own stock in a company you could merely make a bet. You could bet that the housing mortgages securities were just worthless paper, those bets were called credit default swaps. If you placed that bet, and the few that actually looked at the worthless mortgages that made up the bonds, did, became tremendously wealthy because their bet proved correct. The trouble with gambling is a tint a few get rich and the investments banks had to be bailed out by the government so they could pay off the bets. Once the republicans eliminated the regulations that prevented investments banks from becoming bookies Wall Street became Las Vegas on steroids and a river of gold flowed down Wall Street and into the pockets of the big time gamblers. Of course this bubble caused an increase in tax revenue and then it caused a depression when it burst and many times the increase in tax revenue went to bailout the banks.
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