The Frustration
By Neal Boortz
Are you getting the feeling that the Obama administration will likely take the “wealth envy” angle on nearly every issue put forth over the next four years?
We need to solve this fiscal cliff problem (that they created in the first place) .. the solution is to increase taxes on the rich!
We need to reform the tax code .. I know, the rich need to pay their fair share!
We need to reform entitlements.. we can’t cut entitlements, all we need to do is have the rich cough up more money to pay for them!
We need to do something about climate change .. I know, let’s make the evil corporations and businesses pay cap-and-trade taxes.
We need to find answers on how four Americans died in Benghazi .. you know how we can solve that mystery? Why, we will just have to tax the rich in order to bring justice!
Thanks to the Obama administration’s perpetual class warfare campaign, another day goes by and I feel compelled to explain how the rich are already paying more than their “fair share” and how tax revenues generally decrease when rates are increased. But how many more times can we go through this charade? The fact is that the people who need to know this information simply aren’t tuned into talk radio and they aren’t reading this blog. Or what’s worse … people could learn this information and yet STILL feel the need to plunder the pockets of the producers.
So what do you do when …
The ObamaMedia won’t report the facts or ask the tough questions.
The Obama administration continues to mislead on the facts and stoke the fire of wealth envy.
The Republicans can’t seem to deliver a coherent message if their political careers depended on it.
The proggies and the moochers aren’t all that concerned about the facts and are a growing majority in this country.
If you have a solution, by all means call the show and we will discuss it. From where I’m sitting, we are on a downward slide and you better be prepared when we take that plunge.